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Note: The above art was made by me and any added art will be made by me specifically. Hope you enjoy!

Amity Pov:

Everything was in black and white for me. Ever since that day, I felt nothing but heartbreak and longing. However, I kept up the charade of being okay since then. Edric and Emira could tell I was faking and tried to be supportive as much as they could, saying comforting words of encouragement. It was sweet of them but.. it was never the same without Luz here in this world.

I had changed my style a bit, fed up with mother's controlling ways and rebelling against her. It went better than expected to say the least. My hair had grown out a little past my shoulders, and I decided to dye it a light lavender color with a side cut that showed off my natural color. Although, I still wore my hair up in it's signature look with most of my hair out to the side on my shoulder.

In the Library, I was reading to the kids again, having gotten them all into The Good Witch Azura series. They were all so enraptured into the story already.

"Azura stood up against the mighty snake beast who stared down st her with a malicious demeanor. "'Foolish child. I could swallow you whole!"' The snake beast said as it stared down to the witch. "'Do not underestimate me, Gilder snake. For I am the good witch Azura, warrior of piece! Now eat this sucker!"' She fired an assault of fireballs from her staff, taking the beast down easily." It was always fun voicing out characters, but Azura was hard for me to act out since she had a different pitched voice. Luz was always better at doing her during our club meetings..

The kids gasped before cheering excitedly. "I knew she could do it!" One of them called out.

"I think that's a good spot to call it a day for now." I smiled with a light giggle as the kids groaned in protest.

"Will you be reading the rest tomorrow, Miss Amity?"

"Of course I will Braxus. You all have a nice rest of your day now." With that they all giddily darted off. I snorted slightly, then collected my bag before heading out the library building for the day.

"Another day gone by... I wonder if the others are willing to do anything at the moment? I could use the distraction.." I spoke to myself with a sigh, walking down the steps, though my eyes caught a glimpse of paper sticking out my book with a familiar symbol on it. I paused, staring at it for a long moment before pulling it out to get a clear view of it. It was a light glyph, one like Luz used to make. My fingers rubbed over the glyph lightly, careful not to activate it. I must've drawn it without realizing.

My mind flashed back to the day of the covention.

"You made me look like a fool in front of the emperor's coven. My future! You lied, you cheated! Say it-!"

"......Say you're not a witch-" The words left my mouth in a whisper as my hand shook, still holding the paper. I felt a tear begging to fall, though didn't let it. I let the paper fall to the ground, slowly sauntering off.

That was... until I heard someone speak.

"I'm not a witch-"

I froze up, my ear twitching at the words. Everything seemed to stop in time as I stared ahead with wide eyes. Something in my chest sparked to life, a glimmer of hope bubbling to the surface as I did let that tear fall.

"But I'm training hard to be one."

A sob left my mouth before I covered it. This wasn't a dream, right? I wasn't hearing things? More tears fell as I whirled around to see her there. Luz, staring back at me with that smile I oh so loved and holding a ball of light right above her hands.

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