Like No Otter

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Hey guys! Just a quick update from last chapter, I realized I went a little to fast with the confession and forgot I had a plan for it, so I rewrote the last part of last chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience!

To those who have just started reading and are oblivious as to what happened, just enjoy the story! ^w^

Amity's Pov:

After last night, all I wanted to do was to be near Luz again. Last night was so magical in a way that- I wanted it to happen again. While I was in one of my abomination classes, I heard a loud crash from the floor above us. It was the Potions floor, so it must have been a student accidentally breaking something. But that wasn't what caught my attention, what caught my attention was the familiar voice that had yelped out.

The others in my class started whispering about it, wondering what had happened. I looked to the professor who had sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I needed to go up there and find out what happened, were they ok?

"U-Um, may I be excused, sir?"

He looked up with a slight glare, then waved his hand off. "Yes yes, you're excused, Miss Blight."

I quickly gathered my things before rushing out and up to the second floor. I could see another Potions teacher rushing to the room where it had happened, so I followed behind them with my heart hammering in my chest. The room had students gathered around a table, I couldn't see what they were looking at, but I heard them all excitedly cooing at something. I rose a brow and slowly made my way over.

"What happened in here? Is everything al-" I froze as the others turned towards me and made a gap between them all so I could see.

There, sitting on the table with wide adorable eyes, was an otter. Not just any otter, either.

"L-Luz??!" I sputtered out in shock. She seemed to have come back from the daze she had been and gave me a nervous grin. My heart melted at the sight.

"Yes, well, seems we had a bit of an accident and she sort of- turned herself into an animal." The professor explained sheepishly, the other one who had rushed over hummed in response.

"Well since it was only a temporary potion, this should wear off in about twenty four hours." The other teacher explained, seeing Luz sigh slightly with relief. The rest of the class cooed at how cute she was, and it made me a bit jealous.

"She is excused from the rest of school today, so she may go-"

"I'll be taking her with me, I was excused as well so I can take her home." I huffed out, the others giving me another glance before I came over to the little Otter. Luz looked up to me with curious eyes, letting out a slight squeak as I scooped her up and walked out the door. The other students stared as I walked away with her, then once we were out of sight, I sighed and held her up in front of me.

"You need to be more careful, Luz. What if you had made acid instead?" I huffed out with a warning glare. Her fuzzy ears lowered as she glanced down, prodding her digits together guiltily. I couldn't stay mad at her when she looked absolutely adorable! My cheeks tinged pink and I looked away while my face grew redder.

Luz looked up back at me, then smirked and reached out to poke my nose with one of her tiny paws. I jumped slightly, my eyes wide as saucers when I looked back to the otter. She had an even bigger shit eating grin as if to say 'You care about me, dontcha~?'

"D-Don't give me that look-!" I stammered out, only making her let out squeaks of laughter. With a frustrated growl, I held her in my arms while heading out the school to bring her back to Eda. I had her  held like some sort of baby as I walked, not taking notice to the otter staring up at me with her brown eyes.

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