Music Nerds

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Amity Pov:

My heart was hammering in my ears. I could feel Luz staring at me the whole class period, but I decided to play dumb and act like I didn't notice. In fact, I wasn't complaining.

I jumped when the bell screamed, ending the hour for us. We both packed our things before getting up and heading out the door.

"So which class do you have next, Ammy?"

My ears burned and ached to do their little flip flap, but I forced them to stay still. "I have a bard class next."

Luz tilted her head in confusion. "I thought you were just abominations?"

I let out a slight snort. "Well, since we defeated Belos, all the schools on the Isles decided to let everyone mix their magic. Plus, Skara kind of forced me and Boscha into it after she heard about the new curriculum."

"Huh, well good thing we have that class together too, huh?" She grinned.

I smiled back before looking ahead with a slight flush on my cheeks. "Hehe, guess so."

Once we made it in the classroom I went to sit in my usual seat next to Boscha, who saw Luz and smirked before moving seats to sit next to Skara.

"Wha- why are you moving seats?" Luz asked.

"Oh don't worry about it, go ahead and take a seat." She said while waving her hand at her. I looked back at her with a frustrated glare, only making her smirk grow wider.

The human shrugged before sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes at Boscha before looking to the front of the class as the professor walked in.

"Good afternoon, class. Today we're going to be demonstrating our instrumental skills."

"Wait- what do you guys play?" Luz turned to me, Boscha, and Skara.

"I play the harp, but classical instruments aren't always what you have to play, Boscha here plays the bass." Skara said, pointing her thumb over to the three eyed witch who gave a salute.

"What about you, Amity?"

My ears perked up as my cheeks flushed pink. "O-Oh, I play the violin actually, but I'm not any good at it-"

"Bull crap! You're the best violin player in this class!" Boscha cut in, making me slowly turn to glare at her with a light growl.

"Oh now I have to hear you play!" Luz grinned with excitement. I could literally see the stars in her eyes. What do you expect me to do? I couldn't say no to that face!

"Great! Miss Amity will go first then." Our professor looked happy to hear me play, so did the others. I sighed, hesitantly getting up and going to the front of the classroom   and summoning my violin into my hands. It wasn't the basic brown, however. Instead, it was a pristine white color.

I chose violin because the melodic sounds it makes soothes me. It helped me through the rough few years after the incident. Also, I had visited the Owl lady sometimes to talk with her about my state and had found an intriguing and meaningful song from one of those human piles of hers. It was a "CD" as Luz had told me of those things before, so I decided to figure out how to use it and listen to some human songs. They're a lot better than the songs made on the Isles here, but one stood out to me during that time. It reminded me of what I had lost and made me want to play it on the violin. And so I did.

As I stood in the front of the class, I took a deep breath and started to play from the repressed memories. The melodic sound of my violin filled the room and everything around me blurred, solely focused on the song at hand.

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