Sleeping Over

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Amity pov:

We spent a few hours watching multiple human movies. To be honest I think my favorite out of all of them had a cool looking dragons, my favorite dragon being a pretty white one that looked similar to the black one that had bonded with its rider.

I looked over to the others who were deeply entranced into the current movie that was playing, it was a human horror movie, which is why they were all huddled together.

"No no, don't go into the basement! DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!!"

"Gus, they can't hear you, it's not real-" Willow huffed, though kept her stare on the screen with anticipation.

Everyone watched as the woman cautiously went down stairs of the basement, and I for one was a little anxious myself. When she reached the bottom, she shined her light around the room, gasping and quickly whipping around as the door shut behind her, which made everyone else jump in the room. She called out a timid hello before turning back around to face what looked like a tall man with a white head and no face, tentacles sprouting from his back. Everyone in the room let out high pitched screams, me included, and I clutched onto the nearest person near me.

I froze and flushed hard when I heard laughter from the person I was clinging to.

"Gee Ams, didn't know you scare so easily~" Luz smirked smugly down to me as I quickly pulled away, my face and ears were on fire.

"I-Im not! I just- wasn't prepared is all-"

"Mmhmmm, sure~" She giggled and my ears twitched at the melodic sound. Why did she have to be so cute, damnit?

Edric and Emira had matching smirks as they glanced over at me, making me glare back with a warning. "Don't even think about it you two-"

"Pff, whaaaat? We weren't gonna say anything... yet-" Edric snickered and dodged a pillow I threw at him.

"I don't need you two patronizing me-!" I huffed, grumbling as I crossed my arms and pouted, ducking my head some.

"Awww, you're adorable when you're mad~!" Emira teased, which only made my face and neck turn a deeper shade of red.

"Oh shut it."

Suddenly, a loud buzz caught my attention from my scroll, showing it was mother calling. I pinned my ears down, not really wanting to deal with her tonight. She was always on my case, and recently, it had gotten worse than when we were younger.

"Is it mom again..?" Em asked with a concerned yet frustrated tone. Luz and the others looked to me curiously.

"Yea... I'm not really in the mood to get into with her tonight though.."

"...You could stay with me for the night? O-Only if you want to of course-!!" Luz suddenly replied, rubbing the back of her neck. My eyes widened as I snapped my head to her with a crimson face.

"I- are you sure? I don't wanna intrude, and I can handle mother even if I don't want to-"

"You? Intrude? Psh, never! I insist!" Luz smiled at me with that sweet face of hers. Titan, she was going to be the death of me.

"O-Ok then, but I didn't bring any clothes-"

"You can use mine! I brought some extra with me just in case, and I can run back to my place if I need to."

The thought of wearing her clothes raced through my mind, my ears lightly flapping some as I nodded hesitantly. "Ok."

The others were merely watching with amused looks.

"Well then, I best be off for now, both my dads wanted me home by nine at least." Willow said as she got up with a stretch, Gus following behind.

"Yea, I gotta go help my dad with some stuff as well tomorrow, don't wanna be exhausted. See you guys later!"

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