Back to Hexside

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Luz pov:

After Amity had showed me how to do things on my new scroll, she had told me that she needed to go back home before the others get worried. Before she left, she gave me everyone's number. Which got me thinking about the others and Hexside.

They should all be seniors now, like me. Would I be able to go back to Hexside for my last year? How would mami react?

Oh shit. I should probably go back and tell her I'm ok.

I sighed and got up from the couch, putting away my scroll for now before going to find Eda in the kitchen making... whatever it was she was making.

"Hey, kiddo. Ya wanna be my guinea pig and taste some of this mushroom and gilderoid stew I'm makin? Thought I'd try something new."

"Ah- no thanks, maybe later, but I need to use the portal to go see my mom again, if you don't mind?"

"Ah, sure, just try not to use it too much, it's a bit unstable still." She handed me the key, to which I thanked her before summoning the door. It shook a little as it opened, but seemed to be fine for now. I saluted to Eda before head back to my house, stuffing the key in my pocket.

Once I got home, I took a breath before entering. "Mami? Are you home?"

"In the living room, mija!" She called out. I followed the sound of her voice, and she perked up once she saw me.

"Are you alright?? I saw your note but I was still worried after you didn't come back home for a while." She said while inspecting me.

I swatted her hands away playfully with a light chuckle. "I'm fine, mami. I got to see everyone again and we had a nice little hangout, then Amity stayed over for the night-"

"Oooh, your girlfriend? You two didn't do anything, did you?"

My eyes widened as I sputtered and reddened. "M-Mom! She's not my girlfriend! A-And we didn't do anything, just slept!"

She gave a light laugh before ruffling my hair. "She's not your girlfriend.. yet~"

I groaned, only making her laugh more before I let out a sigh. "But- I have a question to ask."

"Hm? And what would that be?"

I fiddled with my fingers as I felt my heart clench with anxiety. "I know I'm a senior and this will be my last year, but maybe I could spend my last year on the Boiling Isles? At Hexside? I don't have to fully live there forever, just one year and I'll-!"

She stopped me before I could finish, giving me a soft, warm smile. "Luz, it's ok, I see how much happier you are there with all your friends. You never did like it back here, and I get that. You're eighteen now and I shouldn't be hovering over you every second of your life. You get to choose where to stay from now on, but you better visit regularly."

I stared for a long moment at her before tearing up with joy, my heart soaring with excitement as I hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Mami! Thank you thank you thank you! And I promise I'll visit often!"

"And bring that girlfriend of yours over as well, I wanna meet her."


She laughed and kissed my forehead. "Te quiero muchísimo. Cuídate."

I smiled and hugged her tightly before scrambling upset to my room to get most of my things, then I bid my mom farewell and headed back to the portal door.

I had never been happy in the human realm, even before I went to the Boiling Isles. My bullies back at my old school always made fun of me and pushed hme around for being weird. But here, with the ones I love so dearly, I feel like I actually belong. Like I'm made with a purpose now. So when my mom said I could come live here for the rest of my life now, the word ecstatic would be an understatement.

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