Out at The Market

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Luz pov:

When I awoke the next morning, I felt a light weight on my chest. Thinking it was King laid up on me, I sighed softly without opening my eyes and gently carded my fingers through his fur. Or so I thought at first.

However, this 'fur' felt more silky than fluffy. I raised a brow, puzzled, then cracked an eye open to see purple hair and an angelic face on my chest. I sucked in a light breath as my face grew hot, now I was wide awake. How the hell did we get in this position?

I stared for a long while, my hand having stopped it's actions, then when I realized she wasn't awake I let out a soft breath of relief. I looked back to her hair, itching to run my hand through it again. And I did, feeling the soft silky locks of the cotton candy haired goddess on me.

"So soft...-" I whispered out, a light grin on my face.

That's when I heard a light purr rising from her as she cuddled closer into me.

'Aye que lindo! She purrs?!' I thought while my grin grew three sizes. She was adorable!

That's when I saw her eyes flutter open some with a grumble and my body froze at the sight. It took her a few moments before she realized what was happening, then stared wide eyed before scrambling back with a surprised squeak.

"E-Eheh- morning to you too, Amity-"


"Hey hey! It's ok! I didn't mind it at all. Also.. I didn't know you could purr~?"

Her ears pinned down as her face reddened more, which I didn't think was possible. She crossed her arms and turned away in embarrassment. "I-I don't know what you're talking about-"

A smirk graced my features before crawling over to her. "I beg to differ, cariño~"

She let out another squeak as I grew closer. "Noceda- don't you dare-"

With that, I lunged at her and placed my hands behind her ears, scratching lightly and watching as her face to her neck grew beet red, and another purr rose to her throat.

She hid her face in her hands with an annoyed groan, though her tone held playfulness. "I hate you-"

"No you don't." I giggled out, to which she tried to shrink down further into her hands while still purring out.

I laughed before pulling my hands back. "Ok ok, I'm done. You want some breakfast?"

Her ears perked up before peeking up out of her hands, to which I nearly squealed at how cute she was. "Y-Yea, sure. Then we can go to the market like I promised."

"Are you still sure-?"

"Yes, Luz, I'm sure. Like I said, I want to." She gave me a smile that almost made me swoon and made my heart swell, but I held back.

"Alright then.. if you're certain about this." I sighed out, then got up with a stretch and missed how Amity turned away so fast she could've had whiplash.

Then I made my way downstairs to see Eda and King already in the kitchen. Eda was drinking her apple blood for the day and King was trying to 'command' his army of plushies.

"You scums better bow down to-! Luz! You're awake! Now we can have those tasty waffles you make!" King hopped excitedly, tail wagging as well.

I giggled and reached down to scoop him up and place a kiss to his skull head. "That's right, buddy! And what's waffles without eggs!"

I grinned while watching him raise his arms happily and letting out a giggle.

I hummed and sat him down on the counter before grabbing an apron and getting to work. King helped by getting bowls and the ingredients I would need while I looked for the waffle iron that Eda had... somewhere.

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