A New Place to Visit

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Time for another chapter! Sorry it took me this long to post again, along with that, I'm sorry to say that there will only be one more chapter after this.

Another thing I wanna bring up is that after this story I might work on the Dancing AU story of these two that I was thinking of. Let me know if you guys are willing to read that!

Anywho, on with the show!

Luz's Pov:

It's been about month after all that's happened. Or has it been two months? I dunno, my head has been in the clouds lately since then with Amity taking care of me in the meantime. I've recovered mostly, but she still insists that she stays by my side until I'm fully recovered. This girl I swear, she's gonna drive herself nuts over me. (As if she already wasn't)

I lay on the couch as I had just woken up about five minutes ago. I look over to my left to see Amity had fallen asleep in the chair again next to me. She looked so cute when she was sleeping, all peaceful like. GAH! What am I saying?! That's just straight up creepy watching someone sleep! I mentally smack myself, then let out a soft sigh before hefting myself up off the couch. I noticed a little fuzzball sleeping at the end where my feet were and smiled. King was definitely adorable. I carefully kissed his forehead, to which he nuzzled into himself with his stuffed bunny and almost made me squeal. Then I paused and turned to the sleeping princess in the chair. She wouldn't mind, right?

I tip toed over to her, looking down while she slept soundly. She looked like an angel in the morning sun that came from the window. I hesitated, then slowly leaned down and softly pecked her cheek. I watched as the corners of her mouth twitched just a tad bit as she squirmed to get comfy some, making me quickly recoil in fear. However, she didn't wake, making me let out a breath before quietly walking to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I always cook Amity her favorite waffles and eggs for breakfast with some toast. She absolutely adores my cooking and will never stop pestering me about wanting me to teach her someday. It's pretty funny actually.

As I walk into the kitchen I notice Eda was already at the table drinking her morning apple blood. I never understood why she loved that stuff so much. "Goooooood morning, Eda!"

"Hey kiddo, how'd ya sleep?"

"Like a log." Eda gave me a weird look before shaking her head with a snicker.

"I'll never understand you humans with your weird language. So, we having Boots's breakfast today again?"

"Well of course, I make it every morning for her!"

"Surprised she doesn't get tired of the same things each day. Maybe you should try something else for a change and see if she likes it? Ya know.. if you know anything else~?" Eda always liked to challenge me. I glared back at her with a huff.

"Fine then, I'll make mi mami's recipe for breakfast burritos then." Her eyes lit up with a smirk.

"Now that doesn't sound half bad. Whatever a 'bur-eeto' is." I snicker before getting to work, taking out ingredients I had went and gotten from the human realm for things like this. I guess it was a nice change of pace.

Not long before I was done with them, I hear the pitter patter of tiny foot steps along with normal ones. "What smells so good?!" King pipes up as he hops up on the table with his fluffy tail wagging. It made my heart clench at the sight of his big eyes.

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