9| We Are Special Kind Of-Friends!

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I surprisingly had a great time with damien.

He didn't made me feel uncomfortable, like I thought he would.

Okay, except the earlobe biting but even that—I really didn't
mind. Wait what?

Subconscious:  *smirks*

He made me laugh and forced to me eat his cheesecake too. That was so sweet of him.

The best way to get close to my heart is by food.

And I didn't really mind eating hehe. He said, he was full. But I wasn't so...

Subconscious: "Full of what? Spitting the water out?" *rolls her eyes*

She's only rude because she didn't get lucky this fine evening.

Subconscious: "And who's fault is that?"  *she raises an brow*

Anyways, who was I—to say no to food? So I ate from his plate too. Happily!

All the while, he kept squirming and subtly adjusting his jeans for some weird reasons. I even suggested him to use the washroom but he said he won't be getting up for a while.

When I kept eating—moaning in his words he grabbed my face and moved it towards him so I was facing him—and brought my mouth close to his ear. Swallowing my moans.

He said no one should hear me or they'll be losing their fucking teeth or worse.

By the time, I was done eating. Damien was breathing hard. Like really hard. His pupils were dilated and his jaw was clenched so hard that I was worried about him losing his teeth first before he breaks someone else's.

And I again asked him if he needs to use the washroom because I totally get that.

We're all humans here, afterall.


And I see the same symptoms in mike's face when he needs to poop too. After hearing this damien looked at me like I had suddenly grown two big horns on my head. And just shook his head no.

Maybe, he was just shy. I shrugged. And I totally understand that admitting to a girl that you need to poop is embarrassing.

That's why I always poop before leaving my home—

Subconscious: "No one needs to know that!"


After, we were done eating—I argued with him to let me pay for like ten minutes straight only to shut right up when I took one glance inside my empty purse.

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