4| He's Gonna Do the Deed!

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Some might know these 👆🏻 as *clears throat*

Backside, behind, booty, bottom, breech, bum, buns, butt, buttlocks (not lock since every individual has 2 so locks it is) caboose, can, (not a soda can kids, grow the fuck up) cheeks, (again the bottom one, jeez) duff, fanny, fundament, hams, (not the eating kind—or wait is it?) *smirks* haunches, heinie, hunkers, keister, nates, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, seat, tail, tail end and tush.

You're welcome *wink*

   Literally the story of my life, guys! 👆🏻

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   Literally the story of my life, guys! 👆🏻

Harper huffs "Now that—that's done." she paused to look down at the dead corpse, which belongs to my brother from another mother. "Where were we?"

"Aaa–" Stuart groans as he tries to turn his body to lay on his back—as he still was on the floor.

My brave, brotha!

"Eh—Uh hot guy?" I say, hesitantly.     Too scared to bring that subject up again after what I just witnessed.

"Yeah, hot guy." Harper repeats and turn around to look at stuart sharply "A really hott guyy."

Stuart replied to that by groaning some more.

I sign, getting up from my bed to go towards him. Who's barely breathing. I crouch down next to him "Are you and Leonardo da Vinci, alive?" I whispered, concerned about him.

He turns his head towards me slowly "Huh? Leo-leo who? He asks, closing his eyes seconds before passing out right on the damn floor.

"Harper! Look, what you did now come and help me—get him up on my bed."

Subconscious: "Probably the only guy who will ever sleep on your bed—"

Eww! Shut it!

She scoffs, stubbornly "Let him be–"

"Now!" I dared her to defy me.

I can be scary too sometimes, see?

Subconscious: *Snorts at me*

She signs but obeys me. I grabbed him by his arms and harper grabbed his legs.

"Okay on the count of three 1..2...Up!" I say.

"What the fuck does he eats?" She grunts out.

Subconscious: "The amount of food that you pig-I mean girls digest, one would think that you could move mountains." *and shakes her head disapprovingly*

We were almost half way across my room when stuart starts giggling "Oh, wow! look, I'm flying!" when none of us replied as we were too busy keeping his ass from falling. He snapped mine and harpers head to the side "Guys! Looooook!" And grinned from ear-to-ear.

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now