11| Purrs

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Previously on Hannah Montana-

"Angel I walked you home last night after our first date, remember? " He smirked, his voice deep and husky.

Subconscious: "Idiot, it's like you love being dumb."

"I-I oh!" That's all I could utter.



Wait-what date?

I glared up at him to see his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Oh, he's enjoying this.

"That was not a date!" I declared, stomping my foot childishly.

Okay, I shouldn't have done that.

"Shore!" Was all he said before plopping flat down on my bed making himself comfortable by adjusting my pillows. He signed out loud when he found the perfect position-making my jaw drop so low that I felt a little ticklish as my jaw touched my carpet covered floor.

Oh, my God!

A guy-a guy-is laying on m-my bed?

Subconscious: "What the actual fuck?" *double checks her glasses and faints*

"What-what are you doing? I screamed but clamped my mouth shut immediately as I heard my dad's sleepy voice on the other side of the door.

"Miles, are you alright in there?" Dad asks.

I quickly ran towards the door to check if it's locked or not.
Thankgod, that it is. I sign.

I should've kept my voice low and also the lights are fucking on so, of course, he'll come and check up on his only daughter.

Subconscious: "I'm not so sure about the daughter part. Daughter equals to girl and you don't act like one-"


I glanced at damien to see him staring at me with his eyes wide open. What now?

Subconscious: "Your name dumbass!"

Now my eyes were the one wide open, ready to pop out any second.

Oh no! I knew this good-for-nothing lie will someday come and bite my own precious ass.

Subconscious: "Never lie kids!"

Shut up!

I don't know, to whom should I even explain first. Dad or Damien.

Subconscious: "Daddy duh!"

"I-I'm okay, dad. Don't worry!" I stuttered before immediately explaining damien in a hush voice.

Subconscious: "I meant the other daddy!" *smacks her forehead*

Somebody stop me, because I'm about to talk absolute shit-

"It's my nickname for Milestone. Yes, Matilda Milestone is my full name. And Miles is for Milestone obviously." I laugh nervously not meeting his gaze.

Subconscious: "I beg you to stop!"

Trust me, I'm begging myself too.

"Now it's not appropriate for my parents to say tits for matilda-" I stopped mid-sentence as my hands flew up to close my always-embarrassing-me-fucking-blabbering

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now