16| Kiss Me Back, Angel

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It's fucking ridiculous but here I was, pressed up outside my own bedroom door, as I tried listening to what Harper and Damien must be talking about.

But I couldn't hear shit. Bad hearing? Eh!

Subconscious: "I told you to lower down the fucking volume whenever you listen to those hideous songs—"

Excuse me? Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars, Jessie J, Taylor swift, 1D, Eminem, Nicki min—

Subconscious: "Trust me, I remember once loving them all but the minute you start to scream—I mean sing. I instantly started disliking each and every single song. You're a song destroyer!"

Ouch! That's mean, anyways!
I huffed out.

I even tried using a glass to listen through the walls—well in my case a fucking door. As I've seen many times  actors using these glasses in movies. They pretend like this works. Fucking liars.

I huffed out angrily, when I couldn't hear shit.

What is taking them so long?

What are they even talking about for this long anyways?

Subconscious: "Jealous?" *smirks*

Puh-lease, I'm not jealous.

Subconscious: "Shore!"

Why would I be jealous?

I just don't understand why I can't hear them. That's it.

My back hurts, because it's been more than five hours since I left my bedroom, left them all alone—

Subconscious: "Don't exaggerated now! It's barely been a minute. Calm your tits down." *rolls her eyes*

But it feels like forever. I pout.

I'm so not jealous!

Nope, I'm not.

I'm fucking jealous, fuck it!

I don't even know why though.

It's not like I don't trust her. I just—I don't know.

Subconscious: "Daddy is just too hot for you."

Yeah, I pout.

I pressed my deaf ear a little more against the door, using all my strength to glue myself to the door. But as soon as I did that, I found myself screaming before I heard a loud thud sound.

I fell on my fucking face, in front of Harper and Damien's feet. Dammit!

Subconscious: "Fan-fucking-tastic!"

Damien was beside me the second he saw me kissing my carpet covered floor and helped me right up. I look up to see Harper smirking before she shook her head at me "Bye Miles, Damien!" She left but not before whispering in my ear as she left "Calm down green-eyed-monster." and giggled before closing the door behind her. Bitch!

From the corner of my eye, I saw Damien suppressing his laughter. Making me glare at him. I brushed his sexy hands off of me before straightening myself.

"I-I was just about to come in—" I started explaining pathetically.

He just hummed, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He doesn't believe me, fuck!

I tried controlling my tomato face from becoming even red.

"So, what did you guys talk about?" I asked, casually. Well tried asking casually!

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now