22| Love?

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"Miley—" Mom stops mid-sentence, as she takes one look at my face.

I couldn't hold in my tears.

It hurts so bad.

"Oh miles, what happened?" Mom asked, before opening her arms wide open for me.

And I didn't waste a moment, to hug her close to me. As I sobbed non-stop, she just rubbed my back, soothingly.

I just got lucky, because I know my mom—just like I also know how I was about to get slapped right after opening the door, because I scared her by not responding soon enough but as I was crying my eyes out right now. That shit saved me from getting slapped.

I don't know for how long I was crying as now we were on my bed. With my head resting on her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair. While also telling me that everything's gonna be alright.

And I obviously didn't believe her. Because, she has no idea what happened. So how could just say that?

"Is this about that same guy who dropped you home that night?" She asked, making me freeze.

I just nodded, as I tried to hide my face into her lap some more. Gosh, how did she know?

"What happened, Miles?" She asked, sweetly. And, I just couldn't hold back.

"I-I lied about my name, mom. B-but I didn't mean to. He was just a s-stranger back then for me and remember how you and dad always told me to never tell strangers my real name?" I asked, making her nod her head, as she smiled softly looking down at me. Making me frown instantly.

"Why are you smiling? I'm dying over here!" I huffed out, annoyed.

"You, my Miles! Will always be so innocent." She said, making me cringe immediately. I'm so not innocent!

And, she has no idea what I was just doing in this very bed—stop it miles.

"I'm not!" I huffed out. As my subconscious is still not speaking to me.

"Sure!" She rolled her eyes, before she asked "Is he mad at you, now?"

I nodded, and my lips trembled again as I remember how mad he looked before he left. I clenched my eyes shut.

I hated the way he looked at me and also how he ignored me. I thought he'll understand or will atleast try listening to me.

"Honey." She rubbed my back, soothingly. "I'm sure he'll come back to you."

"No, he won't. You didn't see the l-look on his face, mom. He hates me. H-he didn't even let me explain." My voice got low at the end, as I explained.

"Bullshit!" She snorted, making my eyes to go wide. Did she just?

As she watched me staring up at her with my eyes wide open, she just simply rolled her eyes at me. "Yes, I can't believe that you guys are making me say such words—anyways, where was I? Mhm, if this guy is the one for you then honey. He'll come back to you. And, he will definitely let you explain." She smiled, softly. As if it was that easy. I wish!

I go to shake my head but one look at her glaring face makes me instantly freeze.

"Momma knows best! So, don't argue with me!" She huffs out, stubbornly.

"D-do you honestly believe that?" I ask, as I tried to not being hopeful because I know that, it'll just hurt me more.

Just like I hurt my Damien.

"I know, that he'll come back to you. Just give him some time, sweety. And, I'm just sure, that he's smart enough to not let you go." She says, as she boops my nose. Making me scrunch it up.

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now