10| I'm So Tired.

168 45 392

⚠️*Trigger warning*⚠️

I felt cold hands touching me, I groaned a little as I got distracted from my sweet dream.

So, I didn't really paid much attention to those hands. Thinking I must be dreaming.

But I doe eyes flew open when those wandering hands touched my inner thigh-creeping up slowly. Exposing my skin a little as my skirt was being lift.

I saw a silhouette of a man over my bed, as my hands tried prying his hands away.

"W-who's there—stop!" I croak out.

The man stops abruptly before I heard a familiar voice speak "Stop moving!" He grunts out.

"U-uncle Paul?" I say, my eyes widened in horror.

"That's right, it's me little miles so don't move okay?" He cooed, too sweetly before his hands started lifting my skirt up again.

"Nooo!" I screamed out but his rough hand muffled my voice.

"Don't you dare try to scream. Now, you don't want mommy and daddy to wake up, right?" He hissed, as I closed my eyes shut-too scared to keep them open.

What is he doing?

Why is he doing this to me?

I tried to get away from him, but he grabs my inner thigh, stilling my movements.

Is he going to hurt me? No he can't—he's my uncle jim.

He continues to venture further up my skirt and then he finally pulled the fabric up exposing my underwear.

"Y-you're not suppose to t-touch me there." I stuttered, as his fingers starts to trace over my underwear. I shake and fight the feeling of throwing up as he kept tracing patterns on my bare thigh with his other hand.

"Sweet, little miles." He whispers in my ear, making shiver of disgust run down my back.

He is scaring me.

"Please.....please stop!" I begged, tears welled up in my eyes.

"Shush, we're going to play a little game alright?" He suggested, a sinister grin on his lips.

I immediately shook my head no "I-I don't wanna." I pleaded, my lips trembling.

I don't like this game. Not even a little.

"Yes, we will.....and you'll love it. It's simple I promise, all you have to do is let me touch you and be quiet, alright?" He said, his hand trying to pull my underwear down but I pushed his hand away.

I tried screaming but I couldn't. I tried again but nothing came out of my throat. Not even a whisper. It felt like my voice gave up on me. So I cried even harder. I tried screaming again, tried calling mommy but nothing worked.

I felt helpless.

And I felt like I couldn't breathe.

My whole body was shaking, uncontrollably.

I want my mommy..I don't like uncle Paul anymore.

He hated the way I pushed his hand away I guess as he sneer coming closer to my face "It's all your fault so don't pretend to cry now. Who told you to wear such little dresses and roam around me if you don't wanna get fucked, huh?"

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now