7| Walking Buddy, Eh?

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I love black roses.

I love anything black. Period!

His deep sexy voice brought me out of my 'I love black' daze.

"This is for you." He gestured towards the black rose that he was holding oh so kindly for me.

So, that's what he was hiding behind his back this whole time.

When I still didn't responsed. He awkwardly ran his other hand through his jet black hair sexily.

So handsome.

I was literally paralyzed.

Subconscious: "Just take the bloody rose, bitch!"

I'm sorry but it's not like I get roses from hot guys everyday.

"What for?" I finally managed to ask.

He rubs the back of his neck, is he nervous? "For being a dick to you the other day."

He clears his throat "Can you please take the rose out of my hand now, I hope you're not planning to leave me hanging here." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, that will be embarrassing." He mumbled to himself, furrowing his eyebrows. But I still heard it.

He is so cute. No cute. Yes cute!

I'm not used to getting roses. I always thought that it's useless to give someone flowers since you can't eat them. Plus they die too. So what am I suppose to do with them?

Subconscious: "Always thinking about food." *shakes her head*

"Oh, Of course." I said, finally taking the rose out of his hand and while doing that our fingers grazed slightly-and I heard him take a sharp inhale. His eyes meeting mine as I glance his way-

No, don't do it.

Don't you dare.

I will bloody kill you!


-I finally blushed awkwardly. "T-Thank you!" I said, with a small smile.

Subconscious: "Why are you blushing? You're not a girl."

Shut up.

He already apologized and now he also gave me a rose. Which I still can't eat by-the-way. I pout.

But, I love black roses!

How did he know?

"Wow, am I dreaming or did you just smile at me?" He asked, as he stood dumbfounded in front of me. His lips parted in pure disbelief.

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