25| Inces-

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"Babes, move aside." I huffed out, annoyed.

"Shush! I need to see the hottie too. Since, Tori already saw him." Babes turns around to glare at Tori, before flipping his skinny hair right on my face—slapping me in the process. Ow!

"You're blocking the view." I grumbled, as I couldn't see shit.

Subconscious: "If you really wanna see shit then I suggest looking in the mirror—"

Fuck off!

"I am the view, bitch." He smirked, and looked at me over his shoulder. Before, focusing back out the door.

Damien said that he'll reach in five minutes to pick me up for our date tonight. Which I'm excited about.

And, of course, babes heard that. So, now he was blocking the entrance of the salon to see my Damien. Because, he hasn't yet.

And my dumbass, stood behind his tall ass. Barely being able to see anything past his shimmery pink crop top.

"He's my little brother so—" Tori starts just to get cut off by babes.

"What a shame." Babes tsks, before shaking his head in sympathy. "A hottie like that lives in the same house with you and you can't even fuck him without people calling it a inces—"

"Eww! He's my brother!"

"He's my boyfriend!"

Both Tori and I say at the same time shutting Babes.

And, he simply doesn't pay us any mind. Because, he was still busy keeping an eye on my boyfriend!

Subconscious: "I hate him right now." *easily gets jealous*

Me too!

Since, I knew Babes was not going to move aside. Not unless, Damien shows up. Gosh, I hope that he shows up looking ugly.

Subconscious: *Simply stares at me*

Alright, who am I even kidding? My boyfriend can never look ugly. He is the opposite of ugly.

Dammit, hot boyfriends problem.

I turn to look at my sweet-ass boss/ boyfriend's sister. "Are you seriously not going to answer me?"

"Nope! Now is not the time, Juliet." She shushed me, before backing away swiftly to go sit her ass down on one of the couches.

I can't believe this woman. She won't tell me why Damien was mad at her when he came into the salon this morning.

"Tori—" I start just to stop when Babes squeals making us both wince and seconds later I see him jumping up and down.

"Oh Em Gee! He is so hot!" His manly voice raised an octave high, as he starts fanning his face when he saw Damien getting out of his expensive looking car. Looking sexily!

His dark grey suit was clutched tight onto his hard body. Making it even harder for the people around him to breathe. Of course, except Tori.

"Damn, daddy is hot!" Babes says before his jaw drops low as Damien runs his hand through his hair. Sexily!

Subconscious: "He's only my daddy!" *says possessively before glaring murderously at babes*


I glanced up at Damien and damn he does look handsome.

Subconscious: "When does he never?"

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now