6| Black Rose.

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Little miley in this chapter

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Little miley in this chapter.👆

"Woah! Are you serious? Oh my goddd! Did he actually do that?" Harper screamed like a fangirl when I told her all about what happened today but the scream was especially for the whistling part.

She thought that was so hot!

And, it was very—hot indeed.

"Shhh! And, yes he did." I whispered.

"Was he really that close to you? And you of all people liked it? I can't believe it. It's a fucking first, bitch!" She's grinning like a lunatic now.

It's true though! I barely like guys—to the point where I thought I was into girls. But nah, unfortunately I like dickheads-I mean dicks—same thing honestly.

For the first time, after a really long time I finally liked a guy to say yes, he's hot and no he is not another fictional character harper.

I'm sure about this, because when I looked at him. I didn't puked my guts out like I normally would've done with any other guy. Weird I know.

"Y-yes." I said shyly. "Harps you should've seen him. He is like a walking greek god-" But, She cuts me off.

"Wait, I'm visualizing." She said and closed her eyes. "Continue!" She waved her hand at me.

I rolled my eyes at her. But still continued. "I even showed him my middle-freaking-finger." I smirked. Proud of myself.

She gasped dramatically before opening her eyes. "Who are you and where is my shy, awkward best friend?"

Subconscious: "She's still there, trust me." *signs deeply*

I laughed at her. "Gosh! I acted like a mean, bitch. Which he deserved it. Well kinda since I slapped him and that was wrong of me. Anyways, I should stay away from boys like him, right? He is too good for me. I mean looking wise."

Subconscious: "I agree!"

But, I'm not a big fan of his personality.

Subconscious: "But, you don't even know him!"

And I don't wanna.

Subconscious: "But, he was so sweet today."

Yes, but he wasn't the day when I first bumped into him.

It seems a little suspicious to me. He was all of a sudden so nice to me today. Like why? what changed in just one day?

Yes, I have trust issues.

And yes—I don't trust men.

And yes, he is a man.

Subconscious: "I'm not sure about that. You should definitely check—of course to make sure that he is infact a 'HE' if you know what I mean."
*and smirks*

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