Vol 3/Ch 30 - The Academy's Mysterious Student

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"I asked if you're that mysterious student everyone has been talking about," Allen repeated himself.

Allen was in the middle of the hallway, with a girl he had never met before. He had accidentally bumped into her, and moments later realized she may be the mysterious girl that Thomas was talking about earlier.

The girl just stared at him like Allen was the weird one here. She made no attempt to answer his question, and went back to organizing her papers and standing back up.

"Uh, did you hear me?," Allen asked her in his confusion, not even sure what to ask her.

"Perhaps," she quickly answered him as she finished reorganizing the papers in her hand exactly how she wanted them.

"Could you tell me who you are at least?," he asked her.

She was about to walk away, but looked back at Allen after he had asked her the question.

"You first," she told him with a very blank look on her face.

"Uh, um okay...," Allen said, totally caught off guard.

Just who was this girl?, Allen thought. Everything about her throws me off left and right. Is she even a student here?

"My name is Allen. Allen Fleming," he introduced himself.

"Hmmmmmm....," she tilted her head to her left again and blankly stared at him for what seemed like minutes.

"What? Is there something wrong?," Allen asked, confused once again.

"Pollen," she said with the most blank look on her face.

"Excuse me?"

"Your name. Pollen," she repeated herself, not changing the look on her face.

"Nonono," Allen immediately said. "My name is Allen. Allen Fleming. Not Pollen. It's Allen"

"Yes," she immediately answered him. "Pollen"

Allen could only stand there, lost in his confusion. Just who was this girl and why did she keep calling him "Pollen"? He was sure she was being serious, considering the look on her face. But how could she mistake the name "Allen" for a name such as "Pollen"? Was Pollen an actual name to this girl?

The girl seemed to giggle, but for only about half a second.

"Bye," she told him as she began to swiftly walk away.

"Wait!," he tried to call out to her to get her attention. "You didn't even tell me who you were!"

But by the time he had finished talking, she was already out of sight.

Just who exactly was that?, Allen thought to himself. Was that really the Mysterious Girl that Thomas was talking about? Either way, if the words confusion and weird had a child, it would've been that girl.

After a few minutes of regaining his composure from the weird incident that just happened, he finally decided to go back to his dorm room before he got caught walking the halls in the academy past curfew.

After thinking to himself about the "Pollen" incident for what seemed like an hour, he finally fell asleep.

After a refreshing sleep, Allen got up and got ready to go to class once again. While putting on his uniform, he noticed that his injuries were completely gone. He really did heal rather quickly. Once he was all ready to go, he finally headed to class.

As he headed to class, he started to notice more and more people were starting to stare at him as he walked the halls of the academy. With his duel with Nathaniel and Stephen being public, he seemed to be a bit of the talk of the academy recently. He hoped that this would die down soon, as he didn't know how long he could endure the strange stares from everyone.

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