Vol 12/Ch 114 - The Training Club Returns!

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"Alright, let's see what William needs to talk about!," Allen said out loud, as he finished up his classwork. With class over with the day, it was time to meet up with the head director.

When the afterparty had concluded and they had stuck around to help clean up, William had advised Allen that he had something important to discuss with him. William assured him it wasn't anything bad, but it still left Allen slightly anxious. Just what was so important to talk about with the year almost over?

"Alright you all, class is over!," Ms. Florence announced, setting down the textbook. "You all are dismissed!"

As the swarms of students got up from their seats and began to chatter as they left the room, Allen and his friends stuck around for just a moment before heading over to William's office.

"Well, I'm surprised! Ms. Florence has actually been teaching everyday!," Thomas exclaimed.

"To be fair, with her teaching the C ranked students, she doesn't have a choice," Cecily pointed out, as she finished reading a page in her textbook.

"But, I'm glad she's putting the effort in," Allen nodded in approval. "Despite her views on magic, she's helping the rest of us learn!"

After Ms. Florence was promoted to begin teaching the C ranked students, it became effective immediately, despite the year almost over. With Allen, Thomas, Cecily and several other students already moving to C rank, it was only natural they needed her in the position immediately. Even their friends Adam, Oliver, and Sybil who were once D ranked and in their class previously were moved to Ms. Florence's classroom. Was that a coincidence too?

"Anyways, I believe it's a good idea to head over to William's office," Cecily suggested. "Don't want to keep everyone waiting"

"Right!," Allen and Thomas nodded at the same time.

The three of them made their way over to the head director's office, where William and hopefully everyone else was already present. It had been a long time since all of them were in that office at once, since Ellen had previously taken over and had disbanded their training club.

Come to think of it, the last time we were in there might have been club related, Allen thought. Perhaps-

"Come in, everyone else is already here," William's voice boomed from inside.

The three of them opened the door slowly, completely opposite of Rose's normal entrance. The rest of their friends were already seated: Rose, Stephen, August and Alice (not Sarah this time, thankfully). William sat at his desk, with his attention on the three of them making their entrance. To the left of William was Vice Director Martha Clark.

"Please, take your seats," William advised them, motioning with his hands. "We are just waiting on one more"

"Wait, who are we waiting for?," Stephen asked out of curiosity, as Allen, Thomas and Cecily took their seats.

"You'll see," William smirked, as everyone gave him a curious look.

A few minutes had only gone by until their other guest had arrived. Silence filled the room, as everyone was surprised to see the last person they all expected.

"You'd better make this quick, William," Ms. Florence sighed, as she closed the door behind her.

"Oh don't worry, this shouldn't last long," William assured her. "Nice seeing you, Danet"

"Can't say I feel the same," she grunted, as she stood to the right of William.

Allen and his friends all looked in surprise at the sudden entrance of none other than Ms. Florence herself. Just what could she be doing here? And she even agreed to be here?

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