Vol 6/Ch 55 - The Training Program

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The first official day of the Magical Knights Training Program has finally arrived!

Allen woke up really excited for the day to come. He would finally be able to learn first-hand what magical knights do on a day-to-day basis.

After speaking with Philip yesterday concerning the safety for their group, Allen was a little worried. However, he knew that they would most likely all be fine, considering they would have two magical knights with them, plus Mr. Lyon.

He put his uniform on, and quickly made his way over to the D Ranked class that they were brought to yesterday by their own teacher, Ms. Florence.

As he walked into the room, most of the D ranked students were already there, including Adam and his group. Thomas and Cecily were also already there, which surprised him, but he then figured Cecily made sure Thomas would not be late.

He also saw both of the magical knights already here, Philip and Jerome. Philip gave him a slight nod when they had made eye contact.

Allen made his way to the back of the classroom, taking the seat he had sat in yesterday.

"Hey Al!," Thomas immediately greeted him when he sat down.

"Hey Tom, hey Lily," Allen greeted him and Cecily, who waved after Tom had spoken.

"Ready for the training program? I'm so excited," he said, practically bouncing out of his seat.

"Of course. I'm excited as well!," Allen grinned.

"Lily's excited, but she would rather study, like usual," Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Hmm? What was that Tom?," she asked, basically glaring daggers with her eyes at him.

"Nothing," he responded, quickly twisting his head away and whistling.

"Anyways, what were you up to yesterday?," Thomas asked Allen. "We never saw you come back"

"Ah, about that...," Allen started to say, scratching his cheek. Just how does he tell him that he got to speak with Philip?

"Alright, is everyone here?," Philip's voice carried throughout the room, and you could hear him smiling through his voice.

Everyone's conversations throughout the room began to quiet down and eventually end completely, shortly after Philip spoke. It especially helped when Mr. Lyon loudly called out for silence, as well. That really had brought everyone's attention towards the front of the room.

"Alright, let me highlight how we will proceed with the training program, for our first day!," he began.

Philip began to explain their plans for the day. Jerome and himself would be taking them around the outside of the main marketplace. Mr. Lyon of course, would be coming along with them.

While they would walk around, they would talk about their day-to-day activities as a magical knight. Things such as what they do, how often they do things, and how easy or difficult their days can be. They can even talk about how they became a magical knight. If anyone has any questions, they are free to ask.

They also reminded them that it is highly important that they stick close to the magical knights and/or their teacher. In case something does happen, they need to be there to protect the students, as the students are still learning how to use and utilize their magic properly.

A few students had a few questions regarding the training program before they began. Once they were finished, it was time to set out!

"Alright everyone, with me!," Philip's voice echoed throughout the classroom.

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