Vol 12/Ch 115 - The Third Years' Graduation

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Well, this is it, Allen thought with a long sigh. The third years are finally graduating, which means Rose will be leaving.

With less than a week remaining of the academy year and the final exams out of the way, it was time for the third years to make their early departure, so that they may fully graduate from the academy and begin to pursue their interests in the field of magic.

At the end of every academy year, the academy holds the third years' graduation ceremony, to celebrate the successes of all of their graduating students and to send them off with a final goodbye.

The Student Council President traditionally gives the speech during the ceremony, and coincidentally enough Rose also happened to be a third year, but it wasn't all that uncommon for the current student council president to be a third year.

Allen, Thomas and Cecily all sat together alongside their C ranked students, much closer to stage up front. Their friends Adam, Oliver and Sybil, who were former D ranks and now members of their training club chose to sit near them.

"Do you think it's starting soon?," Thomas asked impatiently, as he kept his eyes up on the currently empty stage.

"I would assume so," Cecily guessed, as she kept her eyes enthralled into her textbook. "They don't always keep us waiting long"

"I hope we don't have to wait long!," Thomas remarked, as he shifted in his chair. "I'm already getting tired"

"Just wait you idiot!," Cecily barked, as she slammed her textbook on the top of his head.

"Ow, seriously!," Thomas yelped. "That's it, I'm getting you back this time!"

As Thomas and Cecily began to scuffle, Allen noticed Rose finally making her appearance in the front of the stage. All eyes within the crowd began to land on her, as they happily awaited the beginning of her speech.

"Greetings everyone, as you all know I am your Student Council President, Rose Marion!," she began, as the confident but excited smile grew.

Small cheers went throughout the crowd as she began her speech. Rose patiently waited for the excitement to settle down before continuing.

"This academy year is quickly coming to a close, and it's finally time for this year's current third years to make their graduation, alongside myself!," Rose announced loudly and clearly, and with much emotion.

"All of you third years currently in the auditorium have truly worked hard on both your studies and mastery of your magic! You have put much time into learning the basics, and more time into perfecting your magic!"

"There is still a long road ahead of all of us, and I'm sure all of you will work hard alongside me towards our current goals, whether that is to become a magical knight, having your sights on becoming a Triumvirate member, or even other professions such as magical artifacts or research! The important thing is you keep focused on your goal and work hard towards that end!"

Excitement and interest in the room remained as Rose continued her speech. However, her confident and ecstatic energy slowly became more serious before she continued.

"I myself, personally seek to become a magical knight, following the footsteps of my late sister," Rose continued, as her smile began to slowly fade. "She was very talented, smart and one of a kind. She had worked hard to get where she was, and unfortunately did not make it to where she strived to be"

Small tension filled the room as everyone began to pick up on Rose's saddened expression. Her fellow students began to empathize with her.

"I had always felt trapped in her shadow, feeling like I could never make it to her level. She had outshined me in every way, and I simply could not keep up with her. It was only until after the fact that I realized I was part of the reason she had worked so hard"

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