Vol 5/Ch 46 - A Royal Banquet

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"Just how did I get into this mess," Allen sighed with an annoyed expression. He was already done with this only minutes into it.

"Please don't move sir, we want to make sure the outfit properly fits you," one of the attendants politely asked.

"We're almost done," another one of the attendants spoke, already doing a few finishing touches.

"Alright," Allen responded, but sighed again. They may be almost done, but he still had more hours of suffering ahead of him.

Just as they had finished putting the suit on Allen, the door to the room opened up, the person behind all of this nonsense.

"Looking sharp, Allen," August nodded in approval.

Allen was wearing a fancy and formal suit. Something only royalty would wear, yet somehow he was in a suit just like this. His suit was probably worth more than his entire village back home. And of course, August was wearing one of his own.

"Prince August," the attendants all bowed as he entered the room. They slowly stepped out of the way of Allen and August.

"I don't need your comments," Allen looked at him annoyedly.

"You don't need to be so harsh, it's just a one day event," he chuckled. "You'll do fine"

"Fine, my ass," Allen mumbled quietly enough for no one to hear, but he suspected August might've heard him.

A few days prior to today, August had told the rest of the Training Club that he had an event he had to attend - a banquet. He also mentioned that he could bring two along with him. Allen didn't pay too much attention to this, which would be his undoing.

The following day, August finally asked everyone who would like to come with him to the event. With everyone else either not interested, or having other matters to attend to, that left Allen and one other to attend the event with him.

Of course, Allen could have easily declined, as August isn't required to bring anyone. He is just able to bring two with him. However, August can be dangerously convincing if you let him be.

"Well, now that we have you outfitted, we just need to wait on one more," he said as they began to leave the room.

"How do you put up with wearing these," Allen exclaimed, tugging on his outfit and getting adjusted to it.

"You don't," he laughed. "Here, let's wait over here"

They took a seat, while they waited for the last person to finish up, the second person August took with him.

"Excited for the banquet, Allen?," August asked, to help pass time.

"Not particularly," Allen admitted. He looked at the floor.

"Don't worry, it won't be too horrible. Perhaps you can find yourself a nice girl here," he grinned.

"Is it me, or have you been hanging around Stephen too much lately?," Allen glared at him.

"Well, to be fair he was my guide, and then we just became fast friends," he shrugged. "But really, there will be several girls our age here, why not try talking to them? Or are you interested in Rose? It's pretty obvious that she-"

"No! It's not like that!," he interrupted.

"Sure. Or are you interested in Sarah? She seems to have quite the thing for you"

"Sarah?!," Allen was suddenly caught off guard. He suddenly remembered meeting her for the first time, as well as the time they went around London together.

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