Vol 12/Ch 112 - A Well Earned Afterparty

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"Do I seriously have to wear something like this again?," grumbled Allen.

"Yes," August answered, rolling his eyes. "Now, can you stand still so I can help you finish getting it on?"

"I guess so...," Allen finally said, giving up.

With the weekend finally here, the afterparty celebrating the end of the Annual Magical Knights Tournament with Allen's victory has arrived. Allen was mostly ready for it, but William had let out a crucial detail regarding the afterparty.

"I have to wear this stupid suit while everyone else gets to wear their regular academy uniforms," Allen mumbled, as August did the finishing touches.

"Yeah, yeah I know," August rolled his eyes again. "But remember, the rest of us will be wearing suits and dresses as well"

It wouldn't be only Allen who would be wearing a suit. All of those who participated in the main tournament (not including the preliminaries) were asked to wear something appropriate. However, as August is the prince of England, he would also be wearing something nice.

"There, it's all done," August advised him, as he backed away. "And looking sharp I see"

"Don't humor me," Allen sighed, already dreading the day.

A knock suddenly came from the door from someone outside. "Is he done already? You two are taking your sweet time!"

"Yeah, we're done," August answered on Allen's behalf. "We'll be right out"

The two of them, already both dressed up in their respective suits, made their way out of the room, to find a slightly annoyed Rose. She too was dressed up, as she was a participant in the tournament. She wore a dress similar to one she wore during the royal banquet they attended with August, with her hair once again up in a bun. The dress was blue and gold in color, complimenting her looks well.

"Oh. You look nice, Rose," Allen complimented her, as his face was red in embarrassment.

"Really?," she asked, excited. "Well, I think you look stunning yourself.

"Alright you two, save it for later," August told both of them, as he straightened his own suit. "We should meet up with the others first"

"Uh- right!," Allen exclaimed, as he quickly followed behind August, with Rose following pursuit.

The three of them made their way towards the auditorium, where the afterparty would be held. The chairs that previously filled the large, spacious room were temporarily moved to make room for the tables and nicer seats that would soon be occupied by students who would be attending the afterparty.

Although the afterparty would not quite begin yet, the three of them plus a few extra special guests would get to be there first before everyone else.

"Well, it seems all of you managed to get your suits and dresses on one way or another," August nodded in approval, as he took note of everyone's outfits.

"Yeah, unlike someone here," Rose gave Allen a quick glare.

"Hey, it's not my fault these suits are hard to get on!," Allen protested.

"Well, I managed to get mine on just fine," Stephen pointed out.

"It was simple enough," Cecily added, as she tugged at her dress.

"Easy," Alice agreed.

"I- uh... might have struggled with mine a little bit," Thomas admitted.

All eyes quickly turned to him, before they all erupted into a short laughter.

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