Chapter 2

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Hayleys POV

We just finished our dinner/ film session. It was around 10pm now. Everyone decided to go watch a movie together, Jill let us use the projector in the conference room so we ended up just staying there.  We picked Ride Along, super funny movie. After It was over we all headed to our rooms since It was close to curfew. I fell asleep pretty quickly since i had to be up early to prepare for the rodeo.

Next morning

My alarm goes off at 6 am. I get up and get changed into some joggers and a crewneck. I grab my keys and head down to the dining area, It wasn't open yet but there was a coffee machine, I made a quick cup of coffee and headed out to my car and drive home. I walk through the door, my parents were already awake. I head upstairs and change into some jeans and a t-shirt. Clothes I didn't care about getting dirty.

I head out to the barn and start cleaning the stalls, I also let the horses out in the pasture so I didn't have to worry about them while cleaning . I also put feed in each stall so they could eat when they came back. After a little while my dad comes out.

"You ready for tonight?" He asks

"Yeah, my team is coming tonight." I say

"I saw you practice last night, you're looking good. Keep It up." He says

"I was planning on running a few times this morning and then letting him rest until tonight." I say

"Smart idea, are we just bringing lightning tonight or are you bringing lucky too?" He asks

Lucky was my back up horse, just in case anything happens with lightning I'd have Lucky to ride. In bigger events when there are heats I normally switch back and forth, so I get a strong first and last preference.

"I'll probably only use Lightning, should I bring lucky?" I ask

"Up to you, either way I'd make sure to ride him today, he hasn't been ridden in a few days." He says walking out of the barn and heading to the field.

I finish the stalls and feeding and bring all the horses back in. I get Lightning ready and run a few tests, my father stops to time me.

"You need to be faster on your turns, it's the only way to shave off those seconds." He says

I nod my head and go again.

"You knocked a barrel!" He yells and I groan to myself. He fixes It for me and I prepare to go again.

"Better, still slow but better." he says

"I'm gonna run one last time and then give him a break."I say heading back to the gate

One more time buddy. I say before going again.

"16.58, the best yet." He says

"What really?" I ask giving him a high five.

"Good boy, hopefully we can do It again tonight."  I say

"Stay focused and you will." He says and I nod my head. Just gotta stay focused.

I head back to the barn to let lightning rest. I head to Lucky's stall and get him saddled up.

"I'm going for a ride." I say and my dad just nods turning back to whatever he was doing.

We have this huge trail behind our property that a bunch of people used to use. We do a mix of walking, trotting and running. Riding as always been one of my favorite things to do. It's refreshing, especially when I just need to clear my head.

After a while I head back home. My dad was in the garden.

"Nice ride?" He asks

"Yeah, used the old trail behind our property." I say

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