Chapter 26

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Hayley's pov

I wake up to the sound of Hopes alarm. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. I knew she didn't want to get up. I placed gentle kisses on her cheek slowly moving around her face and she started to wake up and she had a smile on her face.

"Okay okay I'm waking up." She says causing me to chuckle.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I say

"Good morning to you too." She says before kissing my forehead and slowly getting out of bed.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask  watching her as she goes over to her bag and picks out the clothes she's gonna wear today.

"Really well actually, probably the best sleep I've gotten since before the accident." She says looking back at me with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry again" I begin to say before she cuts me off.

"Please don't apologize. You couldn't control It." She says

"I know but still." I say

"The important thing is your here now and you're okay." She says

"I probably wouldn't have been if it wasn't for you." I say

I could tell she didn't want to talk about the subject anymore, so I decided to let it go.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask

"I rebooked my flight for tomorrow so I could help you get to the airport." she says

"You're the best." I say

"Plus, I missed you." she adds before kissing my forehead.

"I missed you too." I say

"Have you decided which team you're going to go with?" she asks

"I haven't but I don't have much time left. What do you think I should do?" I ask

"I think my opinion is biased, obviously I want you to come here but that would be selfish of me. I want it to be your decision. Follow your heart." she says as she grabs my bag, putting it on the bed so I could grab clothes to change for the day.

I grab my clothes and change shirts. Hope helps me take the brace off of my knee so I can change into new leggings. Once I'm dressed Hope helps me into my wheelchair and we head down to grab some breakfast. Once we were finished with breakfast, we decided to go shopping. After a few hours of shopping, we head back to the hotel to relax.

"How about we order in for dinner and watch some movies?" Asks Hope.

"Sounds good to me." I say

We ended up ordering pizza and we watched one of Hopes games that I had missed while I was in a coma.

"Do you want some help showering?" Asks Hope

"I honestly didn't think about that. I can probably stand on my good leg but I'm not sure how smart that would be if I can only use one of my arms." I say

"Let me go down in the lobby to see if they have a plastic chair or anything that you can sit on." She says giving me a quick kiss before grabbing the room key and walking out the door. She comes back about 5 minutes later.

"So they didn't have any plastic chairs or anything like that. But the bathroom has a tub, I can help you get down and once you're finished, I can help you out." She says

"That sounds fine with me." I say grabbing my shower bag. Hope wheels me into the bathroom, thankfully it was pretty big. Hope starts the bath for me and leaves me to get undressed. Once I am undressed, she helps me sit down and then leaves so I could have some privacy.

"Call me when you're finished okay?" She says as she walks out.

"I will, thank you." I say

"You're welcome beautiful." she says

Once I'm finished, she helps me wash my hair, since I couldn't get my cast wet and then she helped me out of the tub and onto the toilet so I could get dried off and dressed.

"I'll be right outside if you need any help." She says before leaving to give me privacy.

I get dressed and slowly get up so I could get into my wheelchair. I slowly use my good arm and my good leg to get towards the door. Once Hope sees me, she helps me wheel to the bed, and she picks me up and sets me down on the bed.

"You know I can do it right?" I say playfully.

"Oh I know, I just wanted to do it." She says

We ended the night by watching the walking dead since we had a early flight tomorrow.

*Next morning*

Hopes alarm went off, I could feel her turn so that she could turn her alarm off before she got out of bed. I got up a few minutes later and she hands me my bag so I can get changed into some clean clothes. After that I make sure I have everything packed and ready to go. Hope wheels me down and we get checked out.

"Uber is about 10 minutes away." I say

"Do you want a snack for the car ride? Its about a 30–45-minute drive." She says

"Sure, a banana and a coffee please." I say

She leaves and returns a few minutes later with two bananas and two coffees. Once our uber pulls up we head out. Hope helps me in the car as the driver puts our bags in the back along with my wheelchair. The driver was pretty quiet so Hope and I talked quietly.

"When do you go back to the doctors?" She asks

"I need to call once I'm home to make an appointment, but It should be within the next couple days. I can't wait until I can walk and get this cast off." I say

"I can imagine." she says

Our conversation gets cut off as the car stops outside of the airport. The driver gets out and grabs my wheelchair and our bags. Hope helps me get in and we go and get our bags checked in. Hopes flight leaves after mine, which I'm sure she did on purpose to make sure I got on my flight okay. Hope and I stop at Starbucks to grab a snack and a better coffee before Hope wheels me to my boarding area. She sits with me until my flight is called and the workers allow her to help me get into my seat.

"I love you." She says

"I love you too." I say

"Maybe I can book a flight to come with you to your next appointment. I will text you once my flight lands." She says

"You're the best." I say

She gives me a quick kiss before she heads out of the plane and walks back down the hallway back out to the lobby area. I grab my computer out of my bag so I can watch something on the flight. I also texted my mom to let her know that I made it on safely.

Once my flight lands, they allow my mom to help me get in the wheelchair and she wheels me to the car. Since I only stayed a few days, I was able to fit everything in my carry on, so I didn't have to wait for my luggage. I sent a quick text to Hope letting her know I landed safely, even though she probably won't see it until her flight lands.

I am very sorry for the delays in getting this chapter out. In all honesty, I'm running out of ideas for this book. I'm also sorry if this chapter sucks! Thanks so much for reading!

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