Chapter 10

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Previous chapter recap: Hayley surprises Hope at her game, they go back to Hopes house and both see on twitter and Instagram that fans think they are dating, Hope freaks out and says they aren't even official, Hayley takes It the wrong way and leaves. Hope searches for her but Kelley convinces her to go home in case Hayley comes back since she left everything there including her phone. The chapter ends off with Hope getting a phone call.

Still Hope's POV

I got a call from a number I don't know. Maybe it's Hayley calling from a random persons phone or something.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hey is this Hope Solo?" Asks a girl who is don't recognize.

"Yes this is, can I ask who I'm speaking with?" I ask

"Hi Hope, this is doctor Addams do you know a Hayley Gray?" She asks

"Yes I do, she's my girlfriend. Is she okay?" I ask realizing when I say girlfriend it's more of a question then a statement.

"Nice to meet you, Hayley is okay, she was running down the road and she almost got hit by a car, I was able to pull her back before she got hit. She asked if I could call you to come pick her up? She asks

Thank you so much, I will get in my car right now. Where are you? I ask getting up and grabbing my keys and heading out to my car.

"We're at the Starbucks on Main Street." (Made up location)

"I'll be there in 10 minutes. Thank you again." O day

"Of course." She says

I hang up and head to the Starbucks, I park my car and get out and jog over to Hayley and the girl.

I pull Hayley into a hug and she hugs me back.

"Thank you for stopping her." I say

"Of course, It was nice to meet you both."

"It was nice to meet you too" I say

We found out her the doctors first name is Holly. She ended up having to leave since she had a shift at the hospital.

Hayley and I walk back to my car, I get in the driver side and she gets in the passenger side. I hand her phone to her and she takes It from me and puts It in her pocket.

"Thank you" she says

"Your welcome" I say

The drive back to my house was pretty quiet. Neither of us spoke. I pull into the driveway and we both get out and head inside. I grab Hayley's hand so she stops walking and I crash my lips on hers. She kisses me back instantly. After a few seconds we pull apart.

"When I said we weren't official I didn't mean for It to come off that I didn't want too. I freaked out and when I realized how It came off It was to late to stop you." I say

"I overreacted, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I shouldn't have taken off." She says pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay." I say

We head inside and sit on the couch.

"Let's make It official." I say

"Really?" She asks

"Yes really, now come here and kiss me." I say grabbing her by her shirt and crashing my lips against hers, she kisses me back instantly. We pull away when we both need air.

"The important question is do we want to keep our relationship private or public?" She asks

"hmm, great question. If we do go public we both need to be prepared for backlash. Obviously not from our fans, but from press and other people." I say

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