Chapter 8

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Still Hayley's pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I turn It off and grab my phone off my nightstand. I woke up to a text from Hope and from my dad. I checked Hopes message first.

Hope: good morning beautiful, have a good day and give me a call whenever you have a free moment. I have training from 3:00-6:00 but I should be free after that.

Me: Hey gorgeous, good morning! Good luck with training and I'll definitely call when I can. Have a good day ❤️

After I hit sent I checked the text from my dad.

Dad: I'm sure your mother already told you the plans for today. If you could feed, clean the stalls and exercise some of the horses that would be great. Please take my pistol with you, there's been more sightings of that mountain lion and I don't want you to not be protected.

Me: Got It, I'll make sure everything will get done and I'll make sure to grab your pistol while I'm out there. Have fun today

Dad: Thanks

I get up and get changed into some clean clothes. I grab my keys and head out the door to my truck. I drive to the grocery store and park before heading inside and grabbing a cart. I head to the fruit and veggies. I grab some zucchini, squash, Brussel sprouts and green beans and put them in individual bags. I move over to the fruit and grab some apples, peaches and bananas. I grab a bag of potatoes and head to the meat section. I grab some chicken breasts and ground turkey and set them in bags before setting them in the cart.

I grab two cases of water, a carton of milk, a Dunkin original iced coffee, some caramel and vanilla creamer and some caramel sauce squeeze bottle. Once I grab those I head to checkout and put them on the belt so the lady can scan them. Once everything is scanned I put my card in to pay for everything while the second worker puts the bags in the cart for me.

I push the cart out of the store and head to my truck. I unload everything into the truck and drive home. I unload the groceries and put them away before changing into some jeans and a tank top. I grab my keys and fill up my water bottle before heading back to my truck and heading over to the main barn. I decided to let the horses out in the main pasture so they can spend some time out there while I start unloading the trailer again.

I start by moving some to the front of the trailer and dropping them off the trailer. I hop off the trailer and move them into the shed. After a while I take a break. I started cleaning out the stalls and getting all the horses feeds ready. One by one I brought the horses back so they could eat. Once everyone was in their stalls and eating I headed back to my house and grabbed a protein drink, I drink It and head back. I also refilled my water.

After 3 hours I finally unloaded the last bale of hay off the truck and put It in the shed. I sit down and take a breather. I'm definitely not unpacking anything today. I'm way to tired too. I didn't want to train but I needed too since tomorrow was the rodeo. I haven't been on a ride in almost two weeks because of my concussion, so I'm not expecting to place or do to well tomorrow night.

I get the arena set up and I saddle up lighting. We spend the next hour or two practicing before I decided to let him rest for tomorrow.  I walk him back to his stall and take off the saddle.

"Good job today buddy." I say as I close his stall door. He sticks his head out and I pet him for a few minutes before he turns to finish eating his dinner.

I close the barn doors and head to my truck and drive back to my house. I head inside and hop in the shower. Once I'm out I change into clean clothes and head to the kitchen. I ended up cooking some chicken, zucchini and potato. I made enough to ask for a few days so I don't have to worry about cooking meals.

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