Chapter 12

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Hayley's pov

I've been home a few days now and hope and I call or FaceTime whenever we can. I've also been taking care of the most of the chores around the ranch since my parents had to go to California for something. They didn't give me to many details and I honestly didn't ask. I was currently riding Patch on the trial behind our house. It was a really quiet and peaceful day.

All of a sudden I heard a growling sound, I turn and see Lexi  my boarder collie mix walking near me. All of a sudden a loud cat jumps from the tree and practically tackles her. I pull out my dads pistol and shoot up in the air twice. I didn't want to shoot at the cat because I didn't want to shoot my dog. Thankfully the cat lets her go and bolts. I jump off patch and scoop Lexi up in my arms before getting back on patch and bolting straight back to the ranch.

My neighbor who heard the shots was running over to me. He knows my parents are out of town so he always looks out for me for my parents when they are out of town.

"Are you okay? I heard gunshots." He says

"Mountain lion or bobcat just attacked my dog. I need to get her to the vet and you put patch in one of the empty stalls please?" I ask

"Here let me take her while you get off." He says and I hand lexi to him while I get off. I take her back and run her over to my truck. I quickly take my sweatshirt off and wrap It around her neck and front leg. I couldn't tell where was bleeding. I close the door and run to the driver side and drive as fast but safely at the same time to the vet. I scoop her up and run her inside.

"Help! I need help please!" I say frantically as I open the door. A technician runs over to me and the girl at the desk goes to get a doctor.

"What happened?" She asks

"My dog was attacked by a large cat. I don't know if It was a mountain lion or a bobcat. She's lost a lot of blood." I say

"Well do everything we can." Says the doctor as they rush back with Lexi. I pace back and forth and head back outside. I called my parents to let them know what was going on. They were coming home tomorrow afternoon. Hope also ended up calling me. She must have just gotten out of practice. I wipe my eyes and clear my throat to try and make It sound like I haven't just been bawling my eyes out.

"Hey babe" I say, my voice still shaking.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" She asks instantly concerned.

"I was riding patch with my dog Lexi and she started growling, a mountain lion or bobcat jumped down and attacked her. Thankfully the gun shot scared It away. I had to rush her to the vet, they took her probably an hour or so ago and I've been sitting here bawling my eyes out." I say trying not to cry. I was tired of crying.

"Oh my gosh babe I'm so sorry. I'm so glad she was there, if she wasn't that could have been you hurt or worse. I'm so sorry she got attacked, I hope she will be okay and she'll make a full recovery. She says

"Me too, I didn't think about It until you mentioned that." I say

"Maybe you shouldn't go out on your own anymore. Not until they find It and catch It." She says

"Yeah you're right, I definitely won't be going out alone or at night again." I say

I see two police officers walk in and over to the front desk. I'm guessing they called them.

"Babe I gotta talk to the police. I'll call you soon. I love you." I say

"Please do, I love you too be safe." She says

I hang up as the two officers walk over to me.

"Are you Hayley Gray?" Asks the female officer.

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