Chapter 23

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Hope's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I stopped It and checked the time, It was 4:01 in the morning. My flight leaves at 8:00 but I wanted to visit Hayley one last time before my flight. I was already given the okay from the nurse last night so they knew I would be coming early.

I get up to change and  brush my teeth. Once I'm finished getting ready, I pack up the last remaining stuff I had out before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the room to head to the lobby. Thankfully I had spoken with the front desk and they were able to check me out early.

Once I was checked out, I grabbed a coffee while I waited for my Uber to arrive. There was also some fruit out so I decided to grab an apple and banana for when I get to the hospital. My Uber arrived and I  put my bags in the back and she took me to the hospital.

"Going out of town?" she asks

"Going home actually, I live in Seattle." I say

"Oh wow, what brings you to Texas?" She asks

"My girlfriend lives here so I came to spend time with her." I say

"That's so cute! Why are you headed to the hospital?" She asks

"She was in an accident and I just wanted to spend as much time as I could with her before I had to leave." I say looking out the window.

"I'm so sorry, I hope she's okay." She says

"Thank you." I say

We both fell silent, It was a comfortable silence. I thank the driver before getting out of the car and grabbing my bags. I head up to Hayley's room and set my bags by the door. Hayley's mom was asleep on the little bed next to Hayley's bed. I sat down in the chair and grabbed her hand and I sat silently until It was time for me to go.

I really hated that I had to leave her but we had camp this week and I knew I couldn't miss It. We we're facing off against France.

Time went by really fast because before I knew It, my watch was vibrating, letting me know It was time to head to the airport. I kissed Hayley's forehead one last time before letting go of her hand. I was fighting back tears as I grabbed my bags and headed towards the elevator and then down to the lobby. Thankfully my Uber was already there. He got out and helped  me with my bags.  I thanked him before getting in the back. He got in after and began the drive to the airport which thankfully wasn't to far from the hospital. It was just after 6am, so I had plenty of time to get through security.

When we arrived to the airport, my driver got out and grabbed my bags for me. I thanked him one last  time before heading inside the airport. I got my bags checked in and I headed through security before making my way to my gate. I stopped at Starbucks to grab a coffee and a snack and then waited at my gate for my flight to take off. I didn't have to be at camp until Wednesday so I'm flying home  and then flying out tomorrow afternoon for camp, so I would have enough time to unpack and repack.

Soon enough my flight gets called and I get in line to board it, since It is was a pretty early flight there we're some open seats so I got a whole row to myself. I get buckled and listen to the flight instructions before they take off.

The flight went painfully slow. Once we landed I grabbed my carry on and made my eyes su through the airport and to the baggage claim. I waited for my bag and grabbed It once I saw it. I headed out of the airport and across the street to the parking garage. It took me a minute to remember where I had parked my car, since I was gone longer then expected. I load my bags in and begin my drive home. Once I was home I immediately got started unpacking and throwing clothes in the wash. I decided to separate my the loads with clothes I needed to take with me and clothes that I didn't need to take with me. I washed the clothes I needed first and then the other ones after.

While I waited for my clothes to finish, I decided It was pointless to go shopping for food when I leave tomorrow afternoon. So I doordashed some chipotle and ate that while I watched Netflix.

Once my clothes were finished, I got everything packed and ready to go. I decided to text my trainer to see if he had any openings today because I hadn't practiced in almost 3 weeks.

Thankfully he said he did have an opening in about an hour so I decided to get ready for It.

Two hours later

Training just ended and I feel tired but great. I'm excited to get playing again especially against a tough team like France. On my way home from
Training I head to the grocery store and grab a salad to eat for dinner. Once I get home I eat and then hop in the shower. I was some Netflix for a while before heading to bed.


So sorry for the lack of updates! This is a bit shorter of a chapter then normal but I really wanted to get It out today. Hopefully I can get back into updating more. Thanks for reading!

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