Chapter 18

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Next morning (still Hayley's POV)

I woke up early. Hope was still sound asleep and I somehow managed to slip out of bed without waking her up. I grab some clothes and change in the bathroom so I don't wake Hope up. I decide to text my mom.

Me: Hey how are you and dad?

Mom: we're doing okay, your father has been coughing off and on but he keeps telling me he's fine. Always stubborn. How are you and Hope?

Me: Of course he is, I'd be worried if he wasn't stubborn. We're good, Hope's still asleep and I couldn't sleep anymore so I figured I'd text and see how you guys are doing.

Mom: Thank you for checking in with us. Bill (neighbor) is having all the horses checked out this morning, just to make sure nothing is wrong.

Me: Yeah for sure, especially if I'm going to be competing tonight. Are you and dad able to come tonight? If not I should be able to handle It myself. Hope will be there to help too.

Mom: I tried to talk him out of It but he's insisting to come. I'm gonna make him take It easy though.

Me: sounds good, depending on what the vet says I may just bullride tonight. I don't want to put more pressure on the horses lungs then that already have.

Mom: sounds good, the vet should be here in about 30 minutes if you want to hear what she has to say.

Me: sounds good. Thanks Mom

I set my phone down and begin making some coffee. I made extra for Hope and poured myself a cup. I wrote a note for Hope to let her know where I was along with my car keys.

I grab my cup and head outside towards the house. Thankfully It wasn't to far of a walk, maybe 5-10 minutes? I was walking fairly slow so I didn't spill my coffee.

I get in my dads truck and we drive to our neighbors barn on his land. The vet had just arrived and was looking at Oreo.

"Oreo and Patch should be good. They were not in the fire." I say

"You must be the girl who released the horses in the fire." Says the Vet

Yep that's me. My names Hayley. I say shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Hayley, that was a very brave thing you did. I'm glad there were no fatalities. She says

"It's nice to meet you too." I say

The horses look good, I think you pulled them out just in time."

"Would the full black horse with the white patch on his head be good to run in a rodeo tonight?" I ask

"What event?" She asks

"Barrel race" I say

"I think he would do just fine, but If you can hold off, I would avoid any straining activities for a few more days just to be safe. If you do plan on competing, I would stop immediately if you see any issues. I've seen you compete, you two have a very good bond and I believe you would know if anything was wrong with him." She says

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