Chapter 24

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Hayley's pov

Everything feels so heavy, especially my eyelids. I could hear everyone taking, doctors nurses, Hope, my parents and even my brother. Every time I heard someone's voice I tried so hard to open my eyes or squeeze their hands to let them know I could hear them, everything they were saying.

It's probably the most frustrating thing I've ever had to deal with. I only have pieces of what happened that night. I remember my phone dinging, I looked for a split second, taking my eyes off the road for maybe 5-10 seconds, but clearly It was long enough to not see the oncoming car. Even if my eyes were on the road I don't think I would have been able to move or do anything different.

I have no idea how long I've been like this, I'm hoping it's just a few very painfully slow days but part of me knows that it's definitely been longer then a few days.

I could hear my mom talking to someone, from the sounds of It, It was probably my doctor or a nurse.

"Since she has not woken up yet, we would like to run some tests to check her brain function, with bad accidents like this, the body can only take so much before the brain shuts down and is unable to support itself. Depending on what the tests find out, I would start preparing you and your family for the possibility that your daughter is brain dead and may not wake up." He says

"If the tests do show brain activity?" Asks my mom

"No matter what the tests will show, It is ultimately up to the family to continue life support or take them off and let them go." He says

"I will talk with my husband and Hope, Hayley's girlfriend before we decide anything. You can run those tests on her though." She says

"Take all the time you need, this is a very huge decision." He says

I hear his footsteps grow quieter before hearing the door open and close.

Shit! Come on Hayley you gotta wake yourself up!

Hopes pov

We just wrapped up practice and I just got to the locker room. I could hear my phone ringing. I grab It quickly and see that It was Hayley's mom. I accept the call and put It to my ear.

"Hello Mrs. Gray, is everything okay?"

"Please Hope call me Molly." She says

"Is everyone okay?" I ask again

"I spoke with Hayley's doctor. Since she has not shown any signs of waking up, he is wanting to run some tests to determine if she is brain dead or if she's still in there. I allowed them to run the tests but I told them I was going to talk to you and my family before doing anything." She says

I take a seat on the bench, my mind was racing. Kelley seemed to notice and she came over and sat down next to me and the whole team must have known something was wrong because they all were gathered around me.

"I'm not meaning to scare you or anything. I just want to keep you in the loop with what's going on. I assure you that no matter the outcome of those tests, that we will wait for you to be able to come down. She says

"Thank you so much for the update and please keep me posted on what the tests say. I will start looking at flights once I'm out of camp next week." I say

"No rush and good luck with your games, we will be cheering you on in spirit." She says

"Thanks Molly." I say

"Anytime, I will call as soon as I get more information." She says before ending the call.

"What's going on?" Asks Kelly

"Hayley's mom said they are running tests to determine if Hayley is still in there or if she's brain dead." I say slowly, my voice clearly very shaky.

"Hey it's gonna be okay, she's gonna pass those tests and be perfectly fine. She had a lot of injuries and sometimes they take a while to heal." Says Christen

"Stay positive, it's the only thing we can do. Says Kelley

"I should be there." I say

"Hayley would want you here, playing the game both of you love so much. Just because she's not here physically doesn't mean she's not with you now. Says Tobin

"You guys are right thank you." I say taking a deep breath

The locker room falls silent as we all begin to grab our stuff to head back to the hotel. We all board the bus to head back.

Hayley's pov

Come on come on come on! I yell to myself still trying to open my eyes, but they still felt so heavy.

I could see myself laying in that bed, no movement whatsoever. My mom sitting in the chair holding my hand as the nurses ran more tests on me. I was determined to wake up or at least let them know that I was still here. I closed my eyes and tried harder then I ever had before.

Hopes pov

I was on a walk after dinner with some of the girls when I got a phone call from Hayley's mom again. I slowed my pace and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Hope, just wanted to let you know that the tests came back and there is still brain activity. They still don't know why she's not waking up." She says

All of a sudden I could hear what sounded like machines building.

"Hold on Hope I will call you right back." She says before hanging up.

"Everything okay?" Asks Kelley

"I think so." I say

"You think so?" She asks

"Hayley's mom said the tests showed she still had brain activity but she hung up because Hayley's machines were beeping." I day

"That's awesome! That means she should wake up soon!" says Kelley pulling me into a hug. I hug her back and feel somewhat relieved. Even though I was worried about the way the call ended. Her mom sounded concerned.

"We should pick up the pace, we're gonna be late for lights out." Says Tobin

We continued to walk and I waited for the phone call. We get back to the Hotel and each head to head to our assigned rooms.

Hayley's mom calls me back and let's me know that everything was okay and that Hayley's machine malfunctioned causing It to go off. I fell asleep as soon as I got off the phone with her.


Thanks for reading!

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