Chapter 19

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Hayley's pov

Hopes leaving back to Seattle today. She's got some practices that she can't miss since there are only a few games left before the season comes to and end.

I think we're both dreading when the other one leaves. It gets a little harder every time.

With It being the end of the season I also need to decide who I'm gonna play for. I'm also trying to figure out the best time to tell Hope. The last thing I want is for her to find out from someone else before I'm able to tell her.

It's still a huge decision, if I choose to play for the Dash, I can still ride and do rodeos on the weekends. If I go play for the reign I'll be closer to Hope and be able to spend a lot more time with her. Both are amazing teams. The time I have to decide is getting shorter and shorter.

Hopes pov

I'm really sad about leaving today. It's definitely getting harder and harder to leave Hayley and I'm sure it's the same way when she visits me.

I just finished packing my bag, we still have a few hours before we have to head to the airport. I head out to the family room and I see Hayley sitting on the couch. She looked deep in her thoughts.

"Babe?"I ask but I don't get a response.

I take a seat next to her and this seems to snap her out of It.

"Hey beautiful." She says wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey, everything okay?" I ask

"Yeah I'm just thinking." She says

"Thinking about what?" I ask

"Well, The dash reached out to me and they want me to play for them next season." She says

"Oh my god babe! That's amazing! Congratulations I'm so proud of you!" I say hugging her

"Thank you. There's something else though." She says grabbing my hand.

"What is It?" I ask

"The Reign also reached out and asked me to play for them as well." She says

"That's awesome babe. I think no matter where you plan on going you'll make a positive impact. Please don't feel pressured to join a certain team because of me." I say

"I know and I don't feel pressured because of you to go in a certain direction. Of course being in the same city and state as you would be amazing."She says

"But?" I ask

"Barrel racing and living on this farm has been such a huge part of my life. Just like soccer has. If I stay here I can still help my parents out and ride when I have the time." She says

"Then we can continue to do what we're doing now. May not be as often since well both be in practice and stuff but we'll still see each other every month for camp. Whatever you decide I will back you up and be so proud and happy for you." I say

"You're right. Thanks babe." She says laying her head on my shoulder, I wrap my arms around her and we both fall silent. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

We stay like that for a bit before  she decides to make us some lunch. We had about an hour before we have to leave and Hayley wanted to check on her horses before we head out.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" She asks

"Maybeee" I say

She just chuckles and goes back to looking in the fridge, we ended up having turkey and cheese sandwiches with some kettle chips. We both eat and clean up before I grab my bag and we head to her truck. I get in the passenger side and she gets in the driver side. She drives past her parents house.

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