Chapter 25

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Hayley's pov

It's been close to a week  since I woke up. The night my machines went off is when I woke up. So far I've passed every test the doctor has given me.

I'm hoping to surprise Hope at the last game against France. My wrist still had about 4 weeks until It would be fully healed and my right knee was badly dislocated so It was in a brace and I'm still not allowed to walk on It.

"Well Ms. Gray, you have passed every test we have given you. I think it's time you get to go home. I would still take It easy, as your body is continuing to heal." He says

"Am I okay to fly?" I ask

"Depends on where your going." He says

"California." I say

"You should be okay to fly. I would space out a few days before you fly back though." He says

I sign my discharge papers and my mom helps me get dressed. I was still pretty slow moving. Even though my stomach and head are mostly healed they are still pretty sore.

My mom hands me my bag and pushes me in the wheelchair down to the lobby. My dad was already parked out front with the car. My mom helps me get in and I buckle up.

"You sure you want to fly after just getting out of the hospital?" She asks after getting in the passenger seat.

"I need to see Hope." I say

"Jill was able to get us seats up in the booth. We will have to bring your wheelchair since you can't walk yet. Your father was able to get us flights for the morning so we should get packed when we get home.

*skipping to the game*

Hopes pov

Today is game day, we are currently in the locker room prepping to go out onto the field. Hayley's mom has been keeping me updated. I really wanted this game to be over with so I could fly back to Texas to be with Hayley.

"Hey you ready?" Asks Kelley snapping me out of my thoughts.

I can't seem to bring myself to talk to I just clear my throat and nod before grabbing my gloves. We all gather into a circle while Jill gives her pep talk. Once it's time to head onto the pitch we get in a line and head out alongside the other team like always. We go through both anthems and starters take the field. The ref puts the ball down and blows the whistle.

Hayley's pov

It's been a pretty intense game. France has almost scored on us 3 times and working on a 4th but Hope's been great at blocking the shots. I can tell she's really focused. The time we ticking down and we had a 1 goal lead. I'm not really used to watching soccer, I'm normally in the match and on the pitch playing. To say I miss It would be an understatement.

After what felt like forever, the final whistle blew signaling the end of the match. We won! Security came to help us get down onto the locker room. It took everything in me to stay in the chair and not run down there. Although I don't think I would even be strong enough to do that. I would definitely try.

We made It to the locker room and we waited until the girls started coming in. Everyone was so excited and happy to see me but they made sure not to ruin It for Hope, who has always been one of the last players to come into the locker room.

She walked in with Kelley, she still hadn't seen me yet, probably because I was in a wheelchair. The room was silent and before I could even say anything to get her attention she looked around the room before locking eyes with me and running over to me. I couldn't help the big grin on my face.

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