Chapter 5

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Hayleys POV

I wake up to beeping sounds, what the hell is that? Is that Hopes new alarm? Why isn't Hope turning It off?

I open my eyes slowly, the room was bright so It took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I look around the room and instantly realize I'm in a hospital room, not the hotel like I remember being in last.  There was a remote by my side to I decided to click the red button to call a nurse, About 30 seconds later a nurse walks in.

"Hayley, I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" She asks

"I'm okay. My head hurts a bit but that's about It." I reply rubbing my forehead.

"I can give you some pain medicine to help with that. Do you remember anything about when you woke up a few hours ago?" She asks

"All I remember is getting woke up by Hope and that my head was hurting really bad." I say

"You don't remember anything else after that?" She asks

"No I don't, that's all I can remember." I say

"Okay, well from what the paramedics told me, Hope came up to your room and she called your name a few times and you were unresponsive, she had to physically shake you awake in order to get you to respond. She went down and she got your coach and trainer, they came up to check you and decided It would be best to call an ambulance to have you checked out. You were taken to the hospital and we ran some tests. You do have a concussion. We were knocked down a few times while playing soccer, any of those times you got knocked down and you hit your head could have caused it. Sometimes concussion symptoms can take hours or even days to form. In your case It was just 3-4 hours. She says

"So I'm out of training and next game?" I ask

"That's correct, I'm sure your trainer will speak with you about the protocols they have in place but typically you have to wait until you have no  more symptoms. You don't want to catch another one while your still healing from this one." She says

"Okay, thank you so much for the information. When can I go?" I ask

"Well your parents and Friend are here, they have been waiting to see you. I'll bring them up  and give you some pain medicine and then speak with the doctor about getting your discharge papers started." She says

"Okay thank you." I say

She exits the room and comes back to give me some pain medicine. Before exiting to go get my parents and Hope.

A few minutes later they come up, my mom and dad hug me and hope looked relieved to know I'm okay. I could tell she was upset but she was trying to stay calm and collected.

My parents wanted me to come home with them but I said I needed to speak with Jill and the coaching staff. Even though I couldn't participate in practice or play in the next game I could still support my team and learn stuff. They left soon after since it's was getting late and Hope was with me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed since the nurse was going to bring my discharge papers

"Hope?" I ask and she looks up from her phone. I could tell she was about to cry.  I reach over and grab her hand.

"You scared the hell out of me." She says

"I know I'm sorry." I say softly

"When I said your name and you didn't respond I just figured you were in a deep sleep, when I yelled your name and you didn't respond It scared me. I shook you and you finally woke up." She says keeping a strong hold on my hand. 

"I know and I'm so sorry for putting you through that." I say getting up from the bed. This caused her to get up too, probably to make sure I was steady.Without warning I crash my lips onto hers, she seemed shocked for a few seconds and then she kissed me back. We pulled apart a few second later.

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