Chapter 22

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Hope's pov

It's been a week since the accident and Hayley still hasn't woken up yet. I decided to stay with here with her hoping she would have been awake right now.  Doctors aren't sure why she hasn't woken up.

I head back to Seattle tomorrow. My flight is supposed to leave around 6:30 am. I really wish I could stay but I need to be back for the last two games. Thankfully my team and coach have been understanding enough to let me stay an extra week.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not but you need to wake up soon. Everyone misses you. The team, your parents and I miss you like crazy. I miss this beautiful eyes, I miss your smile, I miss your voice and your laugh. I miss our talks our good nights and good morning texts. I miss our late night conversations." I say quietly while keeping a gentle hold on her hand.

Hayley's parents left about an hour or so ago to shower and grab some things and her dad had to take care of the chores around the farm. Her mom also wanted to pack some stuff to bring here since she'll be staying with her since I'm leaving tomorrow.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket so I sit up and pull It out with my free hand.  It was a phone call from Kelley.  I accept the call and put It up to my ear.

"Hey Kel" I say

"Hey Hope how are you?" She asks

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask

"You wanna tell me the truth?" She asks

"I am telling you the truth."  I say

"Hope I know you the best out of anyone and I also know when you're lying." She says

"Okay okay." I say

"How is she?" She asks

"No changes. It's been a week Kel, what if she doesn't wake up?" I ask

"Hope you can't think like that. I may not know Hayley as much as you do but she's one of the strongest and toughest people I know. She's gonna pull through this." She says

"You're right."  I say

"Maybe her being unconscious is really a blessing in disguise, you and I both know she would probably be up and walking around if she was awake." She says

"Yeah she is pretty stubborn." I say smiling a bit.

"Both of you are." She says laughing

"Yeah yeah I know" I say chuckling

"You fly home tomorrow?" She asks

"Sadly" I say

"She's gonna be okay.  Are you gonna be okay?" She asks

"I hate that I have to leave her." I say

"I know but she'll understand. You've been with her since you found her. She's alive because of you, if you hadn't have found her when she did there's no telling when she would have been found." She says

"What would have happened if my flight took off? I would have been to late." I say

"It didn't take off for a reason Hope. Don't think about that what could have happened. She's still fighting for her life right now. I'm sure if she was tired she would have given up by now." She says

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