Chapter 16

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Hayley's pov

Hope and I were flying home today. We are currently at the airport and we just got through security. We stopped at Starbucks and we grabbed coffee and a snack before heading to our terminal.

We take a seat in one of the rows outside our terminal.

"Did they ever catch the bobcat?" Asks Hope

"Nope, they think It left the area since there haven't been any sightings of It but I'm sure it's still around somewhere. My dad and I started riding together and he still makes sure to have his gun on him when we are out." I say

"That's still so scary." She says

"Yeah, we have definitely stayed on high alert. My dad used to start working around the ranch when It was still dark, now he waits until it's light because my mom made him. He won't let her help with the ranch so she made him wait to start chores." I say

"Why doesn't your mom help?" She asks

"My dad has never wanted her to worry about working. Even though my mom could handle It. He always said "that's why we have 3 kids". But I don't think he expected All of us to leave and do our own thing. My sister in the army and my brother is traveling the country. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do." I say

"Have you thought about contacting the coach of the Dash about getting signed with them? That way you can still ride and play soccer?" She asks

"I have thought about It, but I think there's other things I should take into consideration." I say

"I can understand that. Whatever you decide I'll be behind you and back you up." She says kissing my cheek.

"Thanks babe." I say smiling

Our flight gets called and we stand up and get in line to have our tickets scanned and we head onto the plane. I take a seat next to the window and Hope sits next to me. Hope pulls out her computer and opens up Netflix. We put our headphones in and start watching the vampire diaries.

*skipping the flight*
Our flight just landed and we we're headed through the airport to baggage claim. It was already pretty late and we we're both tired from the flight.

Hopes bag popped up first so I grabbed It for her and soon after my bag shows up and I grab It. We head out of the airport and head to the parking lot. My parents dropped my truck off because they were going to visit my uncle that lived 3 hours away and they were gonna be to late to come and pick us up. I grab my spare key from the secret hiding place and unlock my truck. We put our bags in the back so the don't slide around to much in the truck bed.

We get in and I start the drive home.

"Are you hungry? We can stop for food if you are." I say

"I think I'm good thank you." She says

We reach the house and I get out of the car. I grab our bags and we head inside. Hope hops in the shower and I unpack and throw my clothes in the wash.

I was in the kitchen and I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Asks Hope

"I need to go grocery shopping and I need to train for a bit but other than that nothing I can think of." I say

"Can you teach me to ride?" She asks

"Of course I can. Is there anything you want to learn specifically?" I ask

Not really, I know you taught me how to start and stop the horse but I think It would be fun to run. She says

"Of course I'll teach you. It's scary at first but I'll put you on Patch, he's probably the best horse to learn to ride." I say

"Sounds good to me." She says

"Ready to head to bed?" I ask

"Yep" she says

I grab her hand and we head to my room. We both get in bed and fall asleep pretty quickly.

*next morning*

My alarm goes off and I turn It off and rub my eyes. Hope was starting to wake up too. I slip out of bed and hop in the shower since I didn't shower last night when we got home. Hope was out in the kitchen when I got out. I head out to the kitchen and see hope is making coffee.

"Coffee?" She asks

"Yes please, thank you." I say smiling and wrapping my arms around her.

"Want to go grocery shopping with me?" I ask

"Sure!" She says

Once we finish our coffee we both finish getting ready before heading out to my truck. We head to the nearest grocery store. I park the truck and we head inside and grab a cart. We ended up getting milk, eggs, veggies, chicken, sweet potato, coffee, sugar, cream, turkey, bread, avocados, rice, ground Turkey and some pasta and pasta sauce.

We head to checkout and I pay for everything. The lady who was scanning everything bags everything for us and puts It in the cart. She hands me my receipt and we head back out to my truck. Hope helps me put everything in the truck and we head back home to put It away. We bring everything in and out everything away.

"Ready to go ride?" I ask

"Yep!" She says

We head back out to my truck and head to the barn. My dad was in the garden. I pull Patch and Oreo out of their stalls and begin putting saddles on both of them. Once they are ready to go I reach Hope the easiest way to get on the horse. After a few attempts she gets on pretty easily!
I get on Oreo and we head out to the back field of the ranch.

Okay we call running trotting, all you need to do is give Patch a gentle kick, It won't hurt him, It will just let him know that you want him to go faster. He knows the command trot so you're just gonna grab the reins a little closer and say trot as you kick him and he should start trotting. I say

"And how to I get him to stop again?" She asks

"Pull back on the reins and say woah and he'll slow down and come to a stop." I say

"Okay" she says

I could tell she was nervous.

"You can do It babe. He's the best listener out of all the horses." I say

She nods her head and does what I told her too. It looked a bit shaky at first but she was trotting! Her facial expression changed from terrified to smiling once she got the hang of It. I was trotting right next to her.

"How do I stop again?" She yells

"Yell woah and pull on the reins!" I yell back

And she does that and gets patch to a walk and then stop. I do the same with Oreo.

"That's so much fun! I see how you fell in love with It." She says

"See! I told you, you could do It! You did awesome!"I say

"Thanks for not letting me chicken out." She says

"Anytime." I say smiling

We walk the horses for a while longer and talk.


Thanks for reading!

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