Transfers {Part 2} - Mullette (Fluff)

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"Can I have Hercules to the front office, please?"

"Oh yeah sure. Go ahead Hercules. Just leave your things."

Hercules ignores everyone staring as he inwardly freaks out, completely forgetting about the fact that Alexander had signed them up as volunteers to show around a couple new students. He walks out of the class and down the stairs, careful to make sure his skirt doesn't snag on anything. He runs right into Alex who is also on his way to the front office.

"What's this about?" he asks his friend. Alexander rolls his eyes. "The volunteer stuff, y'know, valedictorian?" he replies. "Oh. Have you quit your smoking problem yet?" Hercules asks, smiling as his friend hit his chest and hurried in front of him. They enter the front office, greet the desk woman, and walk into Principal Washington's office.

Washington sits at his desk, typing up an email and waits for the two to sit down to start talking. "I'm sure you remember signing up for volunteering to show some new transfer students around the school. As coincidental as it is, a perfect opportunity has come up that helps your mission as valedictorian, Alexander. There are some new foreign students, really foreign student, who are staying here to finish out their education. It would seem that these students are also being housed at your own home Hercules, correct?" Washington asks. Hercules nods and nervously smooths out his skirt. "I believe so," he says.

Washington puts his hands together and smiles. "Wonderful. Now, the students start next week, but they've just arrived and your father wants them to have their schedules in check and already be familiar with the school so their transition is as smooth as possible. So to be clear, they're awaiting their tour right now at the other entrance. I know this is short notice, but you'll be excused from your classes in order to be able to show them around the place. Is that alright with the both of you?"

"Question, is it too late to not volun-"

Alexander punches Hercules in the arm and smiles. "Of course, sir. We'll do everything we can to help their transition. Have a good day," Alexander says, standing up. Hercules rolls his eyes and stands up as well. They walk out of the office and head to the second entrance. "How about this, since there's two, you take the west side and i'll take the east and then we switch and hopefully be done with this tour before your cheer practice," Alexander suggests. Hercules groans and complains about it, but continues to follow him anyways.

"You owe me. And stop fucking smoking, that shit is gross."

"It helps with my crippling depression."

"Yeah so do the anti-depressants you take."

"Shut up, asshole, and worry about your anxiety."

"Okay, be quiet. Don't want to set a bad example."

As they approach the entrance, Hercules gets a stomach turning feeling of anxiousness and quickly turns around to try and make an escape, but Alexander stops him by grabbing onto his waist. "No, absolutely not! You are not ditching me. Come on," he huffs. Hercules struggles and whines. "No! I don't wanna do this anym-"

"Excuse me?"

They both stop in their tracks and turn around to face two taller men. They both had very close resembling features to each other and the only distinction between the two was their choice in outfits. One was dressed in a simple yet formal button up and jeans while the other had on a sweatshirt and basketball shorts. The other noticeable difference was the one in a button up had his hair down and poofy while the other had his in a poofy bun at the top of his head.

Alexander smiles and lets go of Hercules, turning fully. "Hello!" he says. The one in the button up clears his throat and stares at Alexander, barely noticing Hercules. "We're new here and we were told to wait here for our tour guides. Do you have any idea where or who they might be?" he asks. Alexander returns the smile and nods. "That's us. Excuse him, he's a little anti-social," Alexander says, pointing towards Hercules. 

The button up nods and glances at him. "That's my cousin. He's also a little anti-social. Hence the earphones. It's his first time in America," he whispers the last part and winks. "Oh! Well, I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm a soon to be senior, and that's Hercules Mulligan. He's also a junior. Your names are..?" Alexander trails off. "I'm Thomas Jefferson and that's my cousin Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch, Gilbert du Motier, de Lafayette. Or just Lafayette," button up responds. Alexander nods.

"Great, wonderful. I guess we're showing you around. Hercules, stop trying to sneak away."

Hercules stops in his tracks and groans. He turns around and his eyes land on the other boy with earphones in. He huffs and stands next to Alexander. "Um so we can do this one of two ways. We can split up and switch out or we can all just go together," Alexander says. "I vote for split up and uh- Laf!" Thomas calls to his cousin and turns his head to him at his name. "Hm?" he asks. "Us, split up, cool?" Thomas makes hand gestures and Lafayette looks confused, but just nods.

"Taking that as a yes."

"Alright then. We can check out the West side and they can check out the East, okay?"


"Let's go then. Herc, let's meet back up here to switch, okay?"

Hercules nods his head and watches the two walk off. He turns his attention to Lafayette who's staring at the awards case in interest. Hercules quietly  goes and stands next to him to see what he's looking at. He blushes in embarrassment when his own eyes land on a framed picture of him holding up an award for cheer leading from last year. "Erm uh- should we get going on the tour then?" He asks after a moment or two. Lafayette looks at him and nods.


"That over there is the third computer lab, although no one really uses them. And across from that is the help center. For like extra help on work. It's open all day so you can just pop in whenever you need help and someone will be there. I volunteer there on Tuesdays when I don't have cheer practice so maybe you'll see me in there, printing out worksheets and stuff. Ooh and down the hall on the left is one of the gymnasiums where indoor sports like track, volleyball, and basketball meet. I sometimes go in there for cheer, but not often. The cheer team uses another gym which is a little smaller than this one."

They continue walking and as they pass the gym, Hercules gets a thought. "Hey, y'know, you'd do pretty good in track with how you're build is. Or basketball. Tall, long arms, legs. If you're up for it, of course," he says. Lafayette looks at him and for the first time since he arrived, he speaks. "No," he says simply. Hercules looks back at him in surprise. "So you can talk?" He asks. Lafayette shakes his head. "Little English. But can understand. No sports," Lafayette replies.

"Oh. Well, what do you like then?"

"Art. Digital, painting, sketching, photography. All of it."

"Ah. Well we have a really good art program here too. There's like advanced photography classes and art classes like abstract art. I'm a part of the Art and Design program. In C-Advanced sewing."

"That's... really cool."

"Yeah. You probably don't know this, but I'm pretty sure me and your cousin talked on the phone earlier. I guess the school sent you guys my contact information. Pretty sure you're staying with me and my brother and my dad. So we're probably gonna see a lot of each other. Might as well be friends I guess."



"We can be friends."

"Oh. Okay!"

Hercules smiles up at him and Lafayette can't help smiling back.


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