Chapter 1: Training

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Nobody POV

Our heroes were training at the Pokemon center in the garden area. Nurse joy and Ash were standing on the porch watching and observing the others training. Serena was training with Calem, Misty with Brock, and Gary waiting for his turn. Nurse joy was observing everyone's training moves while Ash was just watching Serena.

Ash was thinking to his-self 'Wow, she is really good when she battles. She also looks graceful and beauiful knocking someone down too'. Serena then knocks Calem to the ground and Calem lands right on his back, which catches Ash's attention.

Serena says "Calem, Im soooo sorry! Are you hurt? Do you need a ice pack or something? Im sooo sorry."

Calem replies "Im fine, Sere. Really. I'm fine."

"Are you? Don't you need an ice pack or something? Wait, of course you do! When i was with my sister a long time ago, she hurt herself and said that she didn't need an ice pack but really did need one. I'll be right back. Stay here." Serena ran inside to get a ice pack while the others continued training.

When she got back outside, she saw that Calem was already back, training with Gary.

Serena then sat down on the steps and watched Calem train.

Serena says "Oh. I guess he really didn't need an ice pack. I guess I went to get a ice pack for nothing."

Ash then kicked the porch and hit his-self in the leg with it. "Yikes! Ouch! owww! ...bad idea..." Ash yells while holding his leg.

"Ash, did you hurt yourself?" Serena said as she turns around to see what happened.

"yeah... i um... hit something with my leg?"

"Oh! Well, here's a ice pack!" Serena offers as she handed him the ice pack.

"Thanks, Sere."

"Yay! Now, getting a ice pack wasn't for nothing but not a yay since you hurt your leg though." cheered Serena.

Nurse joy called to everyone to stop training and everyone meet into the meeting room/living room for a meeting. When everyone was gathered around, Nurse joy said "Ok. Today, I've been watching everyone practice and train, so I think you all need a day off from all the hard work everyone has done. But if there are any ultra-beasts around, i know you will fight them off, right?"

Everyone agreed "RIGHT!"

"OK! Your day off starts tomorrow, so everyone get some rest to get some more rest for tomorrow!" Nurse joy said as she started leaving the room.

After Nurse joy left the room, Gary got up and said "Ok, so where does everyone want to go tomorrow?"

Misty cried "The movies!"

Calem yelled out "The arcade!"

Serena said "The park!"

"I'll go anywhere." Ash said dully.

Brock yelled "Fishing!"

Everyone turned and looked directly at him with a confused look.

"What? I need some more fish to sell and fishing can be really fun too!"

Gary said with a look "well... umm.. so what should we do tomorrow? I think Ash should decide since he's our leader after all. So where do you want to go? The movies, arcade, the park,"

Ash replied "I think the movies can be fun. I haven't been in a while."

Gary asked "Alright, so does everyone agree with that?"

Everyone yelled "AGREED!"

"Alright! Well, I'm beat so I'm heading off to bed."

Calem agreed with him and said "I think I'll hit the sack too."

After everyone went to their rooms, Serena caught Calem before he went into his room.

"Hey, I think tomorrow will be fun. Don't you?" Serena asked.

"Yeah! Only if whatever movie we see isn't boring and lame."

"Also, I'm really sorry for knocking you down today."

Calem spoke kindly "Hey, its ok. Besides, I barely felt a thing. But I'm glad that you would be worried about me like that. That's one thing that I like about you."

Calem then placed his hand on her shoulder which made Serena smile.

Serena muttered "Umm, yeah, sure, I mean, uhh... I just care about people."

Calem laughed and said "Good night, sere."

He then went into his room and Serena went to hers.

Serena POV-

Ok, so yeah. I know I shouldn't be all excited just because Calem touched me on the shoulder, but when he did, I thought I felt electric currents flowing through my body. He also said that me being worried about him is one of the things he likes about me. EEP!

When I entered my room, I saw that Misty was there. Misty looked up from some magazine she was reading and noticed the smile on my face.

"So Serena, what happened?" Misty asked me curiously.

"Huh? Oh, nothing."


"Ok, fine."

I then told her about what happened with me and Calem, which wasn't a lot but still.

Misty exclaimed "Aww. Adorable!"

"I know!"

Misty sighed "I just wish Gary or Ash would say that adorable to me like that. Or better!"

I said confidently "I'm sure one of them would say that but they are too shy. You know, Calem isn't a shy type."

"I know. Well, I'm going to go to sleep so I can stay awake for the movie tomorrow."

"Alrighty! Good night!" I said and turned out the lights.

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