Chapter 6: Calem's Shift

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Calem's POV

"AHH, I'm up, I'm up! huh..." I woke up to a loud, buzzing noise beside my bed. It was my alarm clock. I hit the snooze button and sit up. It was 1:30 AM, so it was my turn to watch over Serena. Hehe, I get to kick Ash out of there. Why does he have to like her anyway? I mean, there wouldn't be any reason to not like her but why does it have to be him? With him in the way of me and Serena getting together, I might never get a chance to date her. You're probably wondering why I would be worried about Ash taking Serena away from me. Well, it's not like he's better looking than me.


*smirks* But he's almost there though. Plus, he's the leader of the team and gets to do almost anything he wants. But I do understand after seeing it today that he is the leader for a reason. Serena's attracted to those types of guys. Unlike, I'm not like that. Only better looking and more muscular.

I got up from my bed, put a few more clothes on, and headed off to the recovery room. When I got there, I saw Ash had laid his head on the side of Serena's bed, sleeping. I walked up beside him and made a soft cough sound.

Ash immediately lifted his head and looked at Serena, probably thinking it was her. He then laid back his head on his shoulders, not realizing I was beside him. I coughed again. This time he looked in the direction I was in.

"Oh, I see it's your shift now."

"Yeah, so you can get up and out. You will need as much rest as possible for tomorrow."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ash stood up and looked down at me. I didn't realized how much taller he was than I was.

"You'll see." I smirked and pushed Ash out of the way lightly, but he didn't even budge. Seeing this, my speculations that I was more muscular than him, sank under water. Ash just took a final look at Serena sleeping peacefully.

After he left the room, I sat down in the chair he was in and stared at Serena. Wow, she looked like an angel when she slept.

After a few minutes of me admiring her beauty, I got up and walked around a little bit. I walked over to a shelf and picked up a picture frame sitting on the shelf. It was a picture of the whole team in normal clothes, laughing and smiling. That was the day when it was Serena's first time to be at an amusement park. I remember that day very well.

"Ash, can we go to that picture booth over there? The guy is taking pictures at a view where in the background you can see the rollercoasters and food stands! Can we go, pretty please" Serena begged Ash, heading in the direction of the picture stand.

"Sure, why not."

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. I took Serena's hand and lead her to the end of the line. "We need something to remind us of the amazing day."

"Totally." I could tell Serena was blushing and looking at our hands that were together.

"Oh, sorry." I said as I let go of her hand.

"No, it's ok." she said shyly, retaking my hand. I smiled and noticed Misty also smiling as she was looking at us.

When we got to the front of the line, the guy lined us up according to the colors of our shirts. We were all wearing our uniform color in our normal clothes.

The guy first said "Smile." He then said "Ok, now make a funny pose." We all made some silly pose, got our pictures, and then we left.

I laughed as I remembered that moment. The picture I was holding was the funny pose picture. Ash was making a rock on pose, Serena hysterically laughing because I was pretending to be a monkey and was scratching her head, Gary crossing his eyes, and Misty poking her tongue out.

I sat down the picture frame back down and picked up the baseball that little kid baseball player gave to us. After we had helped him believe in his-self again and he won his game, he wanted to thank us by giving us the winning ball.

I tossed the ball up and down but accidentally dropped it. I heard Serena stur around and sat up slightly.

"Calem, what are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry for waking you up. I was looking around."

"It's ok. What time is it?"

I looked at the clock. "It's 2:15 AM."

"Oh, it's still early. Hey Calem, you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I went around to her side and sat down in the chair. "You can go back to sleep now. Once again, sorry for waking you."

"It's ok. But I don't feel like going to sleep right now. This is the second time I woke up and now I can't go back to sleep."

"Why did you wake up the first time?"

"I was having a bad dream."

"Oh. Well since you're already awake, do you just wanna talk?"

"Sure." Serena gleamed as she sat up in a better sitting position.

We talked for awhile, just talking about past times and future decisions. Suddenly, I asked her a question that I was trying to kind to myself for a while.

"Serena, do you like Ash?"

"Huh?" Serena looked at me, a little surprised at the question. "Oh, well. What do you mean by like?"

"Do you like him as a friend or more than a friend?"

"I... I d..don't know." She blushed, probably thinking about Ash.

"Why is that?" I asked, kind of surprised and sad from her answer.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Just answer the question." I smiled.

"I like him as a friend because I like like someone else...... but you know, I just can't take him out of my mind."

"And who is that?"

"You ask a lot of questions." Serena said. I knew she was trying to jump off the subject.

"Who is it that you like?" I asked, trying to stay on the subject.

"No one" saying this she quickly looked away. Maybe shy.

So, she really did like me. I kind of already knew she liked me when we were about to kiss at the movies if it weren't for that stupid drink dunking guy.

"You sure you don't like Ash like that?"

"Calem, I need time to understand it. Anyway why ask?"

I didn't dare tell her about Ash's crush on her. It might change her decision, but now I don't think so.

"No reason." I suddenly randomly noticed the yellow flowers on her nightstand.

"Where did those flowers come from?" I pointed out.

"Oh, Ash picked them for me. He said that they reminded him of me. He sure is caring, isn't he Calem?" I saw her smiling, still looking at the flowers like she was thinking about something.

You know, maybe her decision on liking me might change.

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