Chapter 10: Ash's Date

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Serena's POV

Ok, so today was the day where Ash takes me on his date. I'm kind of nervous, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

I ran all over the house, looking for Misty, and finally found her in Gary's room. They were watching a movie. I quickly ran into his room and grabbed Misty by the wrist.

"Misty, I need your help." I quickly pulled her out of his room and into the hallway.

"Woah, Serena! What is it you need me to help you with?"

"I need you to help me pick out an outfit for my date with Ash!" I forcefully pulled her as we ran into our room. When Misty stepped into our room, her eyes widen.

"I can definitely see that you need my help." Misty says as she looks at all of my clothes scattered around the room.

"Please, Please help me! I don't know what to wear!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Well, for starters, do you know where he's taking you?" She continued looking at every outfit that I set out.

"No. He said that he wants to make it a surprise."

"Knowing Ash, it probably wouldn't be somewhere active. That would be with Calem. Maybe somewhere nice, calm, elegant." Misty then notices my yellow flowered dress and picks it up. "Here we go. This should do nicely with a long sleeved opened-up sweater."

"How do you know that my date might be like that?" I asked curiously as she hands me the outfit.

I noticed her hesitate little before telling me. "Well, you see. One time, me and Ash went on a date before. He took me to this really beautiful and fancy restaurant. It was only one time because we thought that we were better as friends."

I squeal "OMG Misty! How come you never told me about this?"

"I promised Ash that I wouldn't. He didn't want anyone acting different towards us just because we went on one date. Please don't tell Ash I told you this!" Misty begged.

"Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't. And Misty, you can tell me anything. You know that, we're best friends. Anyway, will you help me pick out another outfit for my date with Calem tomorrow?"

She smiles. "Of course! Now let's go fix that hair of yours."


"Umm.... Ash? Why am I wearing a blindfold exactly?" I asked, trying to peek through it.

Ash pulled my blindfold back down. "Hey! I told you, I want it to be a surprise. That means no peeking."

"Fine." I huffed, crossing my arms the whole ride to wherever we were going.

Finally, I felt the car stopped. I heard Ash get out of the car and open up my door.

"Now can I take off this blindfold?" I asked again while trying to untie the blindfold.

"Woah, hold on!" Ash exclaimed. He retied the knot. "We're not there yet."

"Well, when are we?"

"Well, aren't you an impatient one." Ash laughed. "Now take my hand and I'll guide you there."

I took his hand and stepped out of the car. He then came behind and put his hand on my waist. I flinched a little, but thought that he was only trying to help guide me better, since I'm so clumsy. After a couple more steps, I swear I heard the sound of planks of wood under my feet. Ash started untying my blindfold and then announced "Here we are!"

 Ash started untying my blindfold and then announced "Here we are!"

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