Chapter 5: Ash's Shift

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Ash's POV

So now, my secret crush on Serena isn't a secret anymore since everyone knows about it. Oh well.

Before I left from outside, I saw a hint of yellow flowers in the grass. When I went closer up to them, they really were yellow. It suddenly reminded me of Serena. Beautiful, quiet, and smelled sweet.

I decided to pick a few flowers for Serena and went in the kitchen to find a vase to put them in.

When I got to the recovery room, I saw that Serena was sound asleep. So I put the flowers beside her bed and pulled up a chair. I didn't have anything to do, so I watched her as she slept. I couldn't help but think about how cute she looked when she slept. I softly touched her face, feeling how soft it feels.

After a few minutes went by, I got up and walked around a little. There isn't a lot of stuff in the recovery room, so there wasn't much to look at.

Suddenly, I heard Serena turning around from behind me. I didn't pay much attention to her until I heard her mumble something. I thought she was talking to me so I quickly ran and sat down beside her. I whispered "Serena?"

She was turning around like crazy and still mumbling something that I couldn't understand. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently. "Serena, are you ok? Serena, can you hear me?"

"Get away! Get away!" Her words were coming in more clearly, but she was still sleeping.

"Serena, wake up! Wake up!" I shook her a little harder but she didn't wake and kept raising her voice.

"Leave me alone! Stop, don't! Don't. NOOO!" Serena gasped as she woke up and sat straight up, eyes wide opened. She turned her head and looked at me. "Ash?" Out of the blue, she hugged me tightly and I felt her breaths pretty fast so, I too kept my one hand on her back while the other rubbed the back of her head. I whispered in her ear to calm her down "There, there Sere. Just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Don't worry. Take a deep breathe" Serena did as I told and started to calm down. When she came to her senses, she blushed deep red knowing how she hugged me. I took her head again and placed it on the pillow and then

"I'll go get you some water." I ran to the kitchen and quickly got her a glass of water.

I then came back and handed her the glass.

Serena drank the water very slowly and handed me back the glass. "Thanks, I needed that."

"So what were you dreaming about?"

"I dreamed that the ultra beast from today found me and took me into a secret place that I didn't know where. He started slashing, hitting, and cutting me. He was laughing hysterically while I was crying, telling him to stop. But he wouldn't. I couldn't morph to stop him because I felt weak and couldn't find my morpher. I..... I..... " I noticed tears coming out of her eyes, so I wiped them away and took her into my arms gently.

"It's ok. It was just a dream." I slowly rubbed her back, which made her stop crying. "You know, if that Ultra beast ever comes and takes you to a unknown place, I would look high and low, never stopping, until I find you."

Serena looked up at me and smiled slightly. I saw her look over at the nightstand with the flowers on them. "Where did those flowers come from?"

"I picked them from outside. I thought you would like them and they reminded me of you."

I noticed Serena blush, looking away. Seeing her blush made me want to blush too but I tried hard not to.

"Thank you Ash, that was very sweet of you." Serena smiled, still not looking at me. "So what are you doing here anyway?"

"Joy made us watch over you in the night, in case you had problems. Both me and Calem volunteered to stay up and watch over you." I saw that as soon as I mentioned Calem, her eyes lit up. "Next week, Joy will have someone different other than me or Calem to watch over you. At around 1-2 o'clock, Calem will be here for his shift."

"Oh, I see."

"I have a question. Is Calem your, umm, boyfriend?"

"Oh, uhh. No No. Why ask?"

"Just wondering. Well, you should get some rest. And don't worry. If the Beast shows up again, just remember I'm here to protect you from him."

Serena smiled at me with that adorable smile of hers and I laid her back down. "Thanks Ash."

A few minutes passed by and Serena slowly went back to sleep, and as well I had too.

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