Chapter 2: At The Movies

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Gary POV-

Ok, so today will be the day where I make a move on Misty. The movies will be the best place 'cause everyone will be looking at the movie and I'll make that I'm-really-tired-so-I-pretend-to-yawn-and-put-my-arm-around-you move on her during the movie. Hopefully, she wouldn't mind.

Ash POV-

When we got to the movies, everyone decided to see some action movie. So Serena will probably think that the movie is boring and look bored. That's when I can make a move on her.

When we got in the theater, I saw that Serena had already got a seat close to the top, next to Calem. I saw that Misty was going to sit next to Serena, so I had to think fast. So I yelled "Misty!" The people around me said "SHHH!"

Misty stopped right where she was, which made Gary and Brock stop too. Since they were behind her. I quickly caught up to her and got in front of her.

Misty asked "What is it Ash?"

"Oh, I thought I saw a bug or something on your shoulder." I replied, trying to get around the other side of her to where the seat was.

Misty exclaimed "WHAT? Where is... wait a minute. How could you see a bug in this dark lighting when you were all the way behind me?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess it was really shiny or something." I quickly sat down in the seat next to Serena before anyone else took it.

"Umm...o...ok?... i guess..." Misty then started looking at her shoulder and started turning around in circles.

Gary stopped her and Brock said "Misty, you're not a dog chasing its tail."

Everyone laughed, which would have made Misty blush if it wasn't for the darkness. The people in front of us turned around and said "SHHH!"

Everyone whispered loudly "SORRY!"

After we were in the middle of the movie, I looked over to Misty and saw that Gary did that I'm-pretending-to-yawn-so-I-can-hold-you move. Misty leaned closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Smart Gary, like usual.

So, I decided to copy Gary and do that to Serena. Just when I was half way up in the air with my arm up, I looked over to Serena. I stopped in mid-air, quickly putting my arm down and back to me. You see, it looks like Calem also had the same idea as Gary since he had his arm around Serena.

I quickly looked back at the screen. Man, so I got competition. When I slowly turned my head, I saw that Calem and Serena were halfway into sharing a kiss with each other. So, I had to think fast. Being a leader means thinking fast in bad situations. For example, this one.

I then saw some guy getting up behind us with a full drink in his hand. I decided to make my aiming skills useful and got a piece popcorn from my bag. I turned slightly around and flicked the popcorn right at the guy's eye, which made him drop his drink, which so happened to be right under Serena and Calem, which so happened to have spilled all over them. But hey, it made them stop before they kissed, so it worked.

Calem yelled "WOAH! Dude! What was that for?"

Serena yelled out "OH NO! My hair!"

The Dude said extremely fast "I'm so sorry, folks! Something got in my eye, so I accidentally dropped my drink. I'm really sorry, young folks!"

Calem then got up out or his seat and turned directly and the dude, "DUDE, NEXT TIME..."

"Calem! He didn't mean to do it!" Serena said to Calem, trying to calm him down. She then got up too and said to the dude "Sir, its ok, really! It's just coke. It'll wash right out of our clothes and hair. Not sure about these seats though..." Serena started trying to scoot out of the seats saying "I'll be right back."

Misty's POV

I saw that Serena quickly ran into the bathroom so I followed her there. When I got in there, I saw Serena taking a lot of paper towels and trying to get the coke out. I went over to her and said "Hey, you need any help with that?"

Serena looked up at me. "Sure, I don't mind." I noticed that Serena's eyes looked a little watery.

"Serena, is something wrong?" I said in a caring voice.

"What? Oh, nothing. Really." Serena looked away from me.

I started taking to get the coke out of her hair. "Serena, you know you can tell me anything. If you tell me, I will surely listen and try to understand."

Serena hesitated. "Well, I guess. Ok so, just before that guy spilled his drink on us, me and Calem were just about to kiss!"

I exclaimed "OMG! No way! That's so sweet. I knew he liked you like that! But that really sucks that ya'll didn't get to kiss through."

"I know! That guy just had to come and spill his drink and mess up the moment! Oh well, maybe next time. If there will be a next time." Serena looked down at the sink and grabbed more towels.

"What do you mean 'if there will be a next time'. Of course there will be a next time! He likes you and you like him, so he will obviously want to try and kiss you again. Don't worry, there will be a next time." I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug.

"You know, your clothes are just going to get wet with coke."

"I don't care." I smiled.

I felt Serena hug me tighter and whisper "Thanks Misty. You're a really good friend."

When we left the restrooms, we heard screaming from outside the theater. Serena looked at me and said "Oh no, a ultra beast. You know, we didn't even get to finish the movie we were watching. Anyway, I'll go get the others."

I nodded. "Ok. I'll handle the ultra beast till you get everyone to help." I then ran outside to distract the ultra beast until the others would come.

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