Chapter 7: Other Shifts

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Nobody's POV

In the early morning, everyone was up. Gary was doing his daily jogging, Brock trying to catch some fish, Misty taking a shower, Serena trying to get some more sleep, and Ash and Calem were wondering around the house.

Suddenly there was a large shout, "Ash Ketchum, I challenge you to a duel!"

And there was a large commotion, everybody had stopped doing their works and came running to the hall. Well, everyone except Misty and Serena. Serena was slowly limping while Misty was wearing her clothes as quickly as possible.

"Huh? And may I ask why?" Ash rose his eyebrow and asked Calem, to which he replied, "The winner gets Serena!" And the bomb exploded. Misty, who had heard all this, was beyond angry and was gonna tear down Calem, but just as she was about to speak, Ash replied, "Calem..... She isn't some toy or prize, that whoever wins, gets her. But then too, as a training, I accept it. However, Don't expect me to accept your condition." "Hmph..... Are you afraid that you would lose her?"

Misty had enough of Calem and was gonna speak but everyone got dumbfounded when Ash's mouth opened. "No, I am afraid that if you lose, even if she wants you to be her boyfriend, I won't be able to let you be hers. It's against my virtues."

The almighty red ranger, moved past Calem, into his room, to change his clothes. All this time, Serena had been hearing to all the conversations going on and to say that she was disappointed in Calem would be an understatement. She took a look and when Ash went away, and everyone else too started to walk away, she approached Misty and asked "Hey Mist, what's going on? I saw Ash going into his room." "Ahh, Nothing just Calem probably wanted to show-off his skills in front of you, so he challenged Ash and Ash accepted it." "Ohh" Serena was disappointed again but understood why Misty didn't say anything.

*15 minutes later*

Everyone gathered in the courtyard and Ash and Calem took their training weapons each. Joy became the referee and announced, "FIGHT!!!"

(Think of Rosalina, the red haired woman as Calem and Kirito, the black swordsman as Ash. Others are audience i.e. Gary, Brock and Misty)

00:01- Calem became ready with his bo

00:02- Ash tilted his sword

00:03- Ash rushed forward and put the sword just 2 cm away from Calem's neck

Joy announced "Ash wins!"

In the blink of an eye, the match started and finished. Calem didn't even understand what happened and then saw Ash's stick just 2 cm away from his neck. Over that, Ash just tried to touch him and bring him to his senses but he turned white and fell backwards.

For a few seconds Calem was laying there, almost breathless. Ash scooted down to him and offered out his hand. "By the way, I'm not giving up on her."

"Huh?" Calem asked, taking his hand and standing back up.

"You heard me." Ash gave Calem a little glare, then went into the house for water.

Brock's POV

So, a week has passed by and now it is Gary and mine turn to watch over Serena in the night. On some nights, me and Serena would stay up and tell all kinds of stories to each other. Serena would tell about her life on a farm and I would tell about my life about being a fisherman and past times. One night we were talking about my childhood. I was telling her about mine and Ash's little adventures together when I was living here. It seemed to me that everytime we talked about my childhood and it included Ash, she seemed to be more interested in it.

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