Chapter 8: What to do?

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Serena's POV

Ughh! This is so confusing! I don't know who I like better, Ash or Calem. It's been a few days since Misty told me that Ash really did like me. Even though I kind of knew before she told me.

Right now, I'm pacing back and forth in my room, since they finally let me come back here, but then I flopped on my bed and pushed a pillow in my face. My leg was feeling a lot better, so in a few days I will be able to fight with the rest of the team. Since Joy can be stubborn, I'm still stuck doing nothing in the house. I can't even train with the others, only stand by and watch.

But anyway, back to my deep thinking. What to do, what to do! I still can't decide who I like the most.

I like Calem because he's so funny, cute, caring, and sweet. Whenever we go somewhere and it starts to turn boring, Calem can lighten up the mood and change it to us having a great time. Even if we're just sitting around watching a movie. He's so sweet and caring because I remember that when the beast had taken my soul, Calem was so determined to get my life back. He even said that he would become a ultra beast to save me.

But then there's Ash. At first I only liked him as a friend. Unlike Calem, he didn't start talking to me right away. That's one reason why I like Calem. But as time went on, Ash started talking to me more and actually spending a little more time with me. Like Calem, Ash's caring, sweet, thoughtful, and cute. But in his own way. He's really thoughtful because he likes to bring me things that he thinks that I would like.

Both Calem and Ash are very different too. Ash's shy but Calem isn't. I think that's why it feels easier to talk to Calem than with Ash. But I hang around Calem more so I'm more used to him. Not so much with Ash. It's just that, Ash always keeps everything to himself. He always bears all the burden on the team by himself and never lets hardly anyone know his real feelings that are inside him. Maybe if I get to know Ash a little more, then I would know more about how he feels and what he feels.

Ughh! It's is sooooo hard and confusing! I took my pillow off my head to let myself breathe and stared up at the ceiling. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and into my room. I looked up and saw it was Misty.

"Misty, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. Is this that deciding thing between Ash and Calem?"

"Yupp. I don't know what to do. I've never had to do this sort of thing before. So can you give me some advice?" I asked as kindly as I could.

"What I can mostly tell you is to follow your heart and to listen to what it has to say."

"Well, that's kind of hard since all my heart says is thump, thump, thump, thump."

Misty laughed. "You know what I mean." She then started walking back to the door until I stopped her.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Into the kitchen. I can't make up my mind if whether I want to cook something with chicken or something with fish in it for dinner. So I think I'll make both and see which one everyone likes better."

Before she left, I stopped her again.

"Wait! I'm umm actually still feeling a little sick so... uh.. can you make the servings smaller since I'm not eating." I hesitated slightly, hoping she wouldn't notice me trying to not eat her food.

"Ohh, ok Sere. I hope you feel better." Misty said as she left the room.

I made a silent sigh of relief to myself. I mean, Misty is a wonderful girl but her cooking isn't so wonderful.

Suddenly, I gasped. I just thought of an idea that I think will help me on choosing Ash or Calem.

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