Chapter 11: Calem's Date

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Serena's POV

"Calem! Can I please see where we are going?" I asked Calem with my eyes closed.

"No, like I said. I want it to be a surprise."

I smiled to myself. It was cute that he also wanted this date to be a surprise. Suddenly I felt the car stop and Calem open up my door.

When I stepped out, Calem said "Ok. You can open your eyes now!"

I popped opened my eyes with a warm feeling which then turned into a shocked feeling. You see, I have no idea what Calem was thinking when he planned this date. Calem had planned our date at a Laser Tag place!

"Laser Tag? Our date is at Laser Tag?" I asked, still shocked.

"Yeah! Come on Sere! It'll be fun!" Calem said confidently. He took my hand as we entered the huge building. There were a lot of little kids running around the place, so it made me feel like a giant. We went over to the register and got our bracelets. The guy working there had a smirk on his face when Calem told him we were on a date.

Calem and I went over to a table and took a seat.

"Ok. So we will get to play four games with those kids over there." Calem pointed to different kids at different places.

"Calem, why exactly did you bring us here?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Oh, you don't want to play laser tag? I thought you would like it here."

"No, it's just that normally people don't bring their dates to laser tag." I looked around to see if anyone was looking at us.

"Serena, don't worry about what others are gonna think. You told me that yourself." Calem said, taking my hand from across the table. I looked over at him and heard him continue.

"You said that you didn't care about what others think of you, right? So why are you caring now? Forget these people and just have fun. I know that you want to because you said that you loved laser tag when you were little."

I smiled. "You're right, Calem. I will have some fun!"

An intercom suddenly came on, saying "Game 1 for single playing visiters is ready to start."

I and Calem ran to get our gear on, hand in hand. The guy for the register was inside there, helping the little kids with their gear. I went over to get mine when he said "So, you like laser tag? Maybe if you go out with me, you'll get a free discount."

Calem walked up beside me and poked the guy with his laser gun. "Listen, bud. This is my date. So back off."

I laughed when the guy put his hands up and walked over to help more kids. Calem then explained that we were the red team and we had to shoot the blue team. After we got inside, Calem suddenly ran off, immedicately tagging a kid. He shouted "Come on Sere! Start shooting!"

I nodded as I ran around, shooting other kids and hiding. I ran behind a wall, ready to shoot. When I looked behind me, I saw a blue team kid ready to shoot. Suddenly, Calem ran to my defense and got the kid before he got me. But the little kid also got him too.

"Calem, you're shot!" I yelled.

"Don't worry. My life powers back up in a few seconds. By the way, I've got you babe." he said as he ran off, shooting another kid.

Suddenly the music turned off and a speaker came on. "Play 1 is over. Please exit the exit doors."

Calem's POV

We ran out of the room laughing our butts off.

"Oh.. my.. gosh! That was... tiring.. but fun!" Serena was trying to catch her breath from all the running she was doing.

"Yeah, I know! Why don't you go find us a table and I'll get us something to drink." I walked over to the food court and got us both two bottles of water. I returned back and handed Serena her water. "So, are you still liking this date so far?"

"Yes! It's so much fun! I haven't had this much fun since we all went to Rainbow's End!"

"Glad you're still liking it!"

"Hey Calem, I know I'm just putting this question out there. But, why do you like me?"

"Oh. You really want to know?" She nodded. "First of all, you're an awesome girl. I would fight for you anyday! You're sweet, caring, beautiful, and fun! I love how you always worry about everyone and that you love having fun anywhere you are! When your soul was taken away, I was so angry! I wanted to do anything to get your life back." I placed my hand on her cheek, stroking it softly. "So I like you for being who you are."

She looked up at me and stared directly in my eyes. We broke connection when the intercom said that Game 2 was ready to begin.

"Well, let's go take down some kids again." Serena laughed as she took my hand and ran to go play the next game.

Serena's POV

So we played another two games and our team won again. When Calem and I were talking at our table, the intercom came on and said the last game was about to began. We ran inside and got out gear, then blasted open the doors. This time, Calem and I stuck close together, defecting both our backs. After we both got a few kids, Calem turned to me and said "Let's hide behind these walls."

I nodded as we hide and waited for any kids to run by. I noticed Calem looking at me, but I didn't pay much attention. When I looked back at him, he was still staring at me.

"Calem, what are you staring at?" I giggled.

"I can't help but look at you. You look so beautiful under this light." Calem said. I suddenly noticed that he was leaning in to me. I realized that he was going to kiss me. I realized that my dream was coming true but still I don't know why, somehow I didn't feel happy. Then I saw a kid coming here, so I leaned too.

"Eww." A voice said, coming out of nowhere. We turned to see a kid with a grossed-out look on his face.

"Get out of here kid." Calem laughed as he shot the kid's vest. Since the kid was on the blue team.

"OH NO! You got me!" The kid ran away, shooting at some other kids going by.

We looked back at each other and ran after them.

When we got back home, Calem said good night to me and went into his room. I walked into my room and saw Misty reading a fashion magazine.

"I see that nothing happened to you. So how did it go?" Misty curiously asked. I told her about everything that happened, from when we first arrived to the place to the part where he tried to kiss me.

"Misty, I don't know what's going on with me. I like Calem very much. He's caring and very fun to be around but I didn't feel happy when he tried to kiss me. I am very confused."

"Serena? Are you ok?" Misty asked.

"Oh no. I just remembered something. I remembered that I have to pick between Ash and Calem! Ah man!" I flopped on to my bed. "Now I'm back where I started from. Since the two dates with them, I feel even more confused."

"Listen, I told you before. Follow what your heart wants, not what your mind thinks it wants."

I tried to understand what Misty was getting at. So I decided to recall my precious dates.

Suddenly, I knew who I wanted. A light switch came on in my mind when I realized it. So tomorrow, I'll tell both of them how I feel.

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