Chapter 9: Idea

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Calem's POV

I wish Serena would just pick me because this fight between me and Ash is getting ridiculous. Today, I went to get a bottle of water in the kitchen but saw that Ash was also there, eating an apple.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, suspicious.

"Nothing. I'm just getting a bottle of water." I reached in the fridge and grabbed a bottle.

"For Serena?"

"N... yeah, I am." I decided to get him all jealous. I don't know why but I felt like it.

"Why? Did she ask you?"

"No, I thought it would be nice to get her one."

"Oh really?" Ash challenged, staring a hard glare at me.

"Really." I stared hard back at me, showing him I wasn't afraid of him. "Just give it up. She said herself that she only liked you as a friend."

"I said I wasn't giving up, and that's final."

"Oh, there you guys are." Serena suddenly came into the kitchen, interrupting us.

"Hey Serena. Your looking especially pretty today." Ash smiled.

"Oh, well. Thank you. I just threw on this old dress." I saw her look at the floor, tugging at her dress. Blushing?!?!

I narrowed my eyes at Ash, then back to Serena. "Here Serena, I got you this water."

"Why, thank you Calem." Serena said as she took the water. "That was thoughtful of you." She drank the water.

'Score one for me.' I thought to myself, laughing as I looked over at a jealous Ash, biting into his apple and taking hard bites.

"Anyway, I'm glad you two are here. I wanted to tell you something. Meet me in the meeting room in 5 minutes." Serena said as she went to her room.

I wonder what she wants to tell me. I mean, both of us.

Serena's POV

I paced back and forth, holding on to the piece of paper I was holding. I was kind of nervous but I think this idea of mine will help me decide between Ash and Calem. So I wrote little notes on paper to help me when talking to them.

I walked into the meeting room, seeing Calem and Ash sitting on opposite sides of each other.

They noticed me coming into the room and they immediately stood up.

"No, sit down. I will be the one standing." I said to them as they slowly sat back down.

"Ok." I said, taking a deep breath and glancing at my paper. "I know that both of you have been fighting over me these last few weeks. I want this stupid feud to stop and you two begin as friends again. Now I know both of you like me. Like, really like me. What I have to said is that... well... I like both of you too."

I looked up from my paper and notice Ash's face lighten up. Calem looked the same. I guess Ash didn't know that I liked him too.

"So." I continued. "Since I can't pick both of you and I have to pick only one, I have a idea that will help me decide. Tomorrow, Joy is letting me come back to the team, you know, to train and stuff. So tomorrow, one of you will take me on a date. On the next day, the other will take me on the second date. Will both of you agree to do that?"

They both thought for a moment.

"Sounds fair." Calem said.

"I agree." Ash added in.

I gave them a satisfied smile. "Good. Now I've decided that Ash will take me on the first date and then Calem will take me on the second date. Agreed?"

They both nodded.

"Good." I then walked out of the room and back to my room. I squealed in happiness since I was going on dates with two hot guys that I really like, and also that my idea will work.

Ash's POV

Wow, I can't believe. I'm going on a date with Serena.

I was so thrilled that I could do back flips all over the house until I remembered something. Calem was also going on a date with her.

I looked over at Calem, who looked like he was in heavy thinking mood. "So, she wants to go on dates with us."


"I guess she really wants me since she picked me for the first date."

"Or maybe she wants to hurry up and get it over with. The second date with me will help her relieve herself." Calem laughed to himself.

"Shut up." I hissed at him.

"Hey, you know what they say. First's the worst, second the best."

"You know that saying also says 'third's the one with the treasure chest."

"Yeah, and who ever gets the third date is the one who gets Serena. Since second's the best," Calem pointed at himself, "I'm going to be on that third date."

"Not if I can help it." I got up and started walking out of the room.

"HEY! Are you gonna come and ruin my date with her?" Calem yelled out.

"No, I'm just gonna make my date better!" I said to him in a taunting manner.

There was no way Calem was going to get Serena. So, I'm going to plan my date with Serena a date that she will never forget.

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