Chapter 3: The Power of their Leader

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Brock's POV

Wow. What a movie. I mean, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about my friends at the movies. There has been more entertainment with them than with the movie. First, I saw Misty and Gary getting all snuggly with each other. Ash flicking a piece of popcorn in some random guy's eye who dropped his drink. His drink got on Serena and Calem, which I had saw made them stop from almost kissing. (Also, I know about Ash's little crush on Serena. He didn't tell me or anything but I could just tell that he liked her. But hey, I'm his best friend for crying out loud!)

So yeah, this is so much better than the movie. Could things get anymore exciting?

All of a sudden, I saw Serena running up the stairs to us and said "Guys, hurry outside. There's a ultra beast and Misty is already out there so hurry.

Well, that answers my question.

Nobody's POV

The Guardians ran outside as fast as they could to go help Misty. When the Guardians got there, they saw the ultra beast hit Misty and flew her back.

"MISTY!" both Serena and Gary yelled as they ran to her aid.

"You're gonna really get it now, ultra beast!" Gary yelled.

"ULTROGER!" The Guardians yelled out as they morphed into uniform.

"Fine, if that's how you want to go. Moogers! Attack!" The ultra beast summoned moogers from the ground and made them start attacking the Guardians.

"TAKE THIS MOOGERS!" Calem yelled as he destroyed his batch of moogers.

"Here's what you get for trying to hurt my friends!" Serena shouted as she kicked and hit the moogers.

"Brock, help them with the moogers. Leave the ultra beast to me!" Ash ordered to Brock as he went straight to the ultra beast.

Ash circled around the ultra beast and struck him at the same thing twice, making him confused.

The ultra beast pushed Ash out of the way and went after the next ranger he saw, which was Serena.

Serena didn't see the ultra beast coming since she was fighting moogers. When she wasn't looking, the ultra beast hit her right across her arm, making her fall to the ground hard and demorph.

Serena's arm was bleeding really bad and since she was wearing a short sleeve shirt, the blood keep rushing down her arm.

"SERENA!" both Calem and Ash yelled as they run to her side and demorphed also.

"Now you're really gonna get it!" Gary yelled as him, Misty, and Brock tried to destroy him in his first life but couldn't. The ultra beast suddenly grew bigger.

"Serena, are you alright?" Calem said to Serena.

"Just. Get. Me. Home. Fast." Serena was starting to lose a lot of blood, making her feel out of it.

Seeing his crush and all his team mates like this, Ash was strangely calm on the exterior but only he knew how much his blood was boiling.

"Everyone back off. And Calem and Gary, take Serena to home." Ash said, at the same time he pulled Calem backwards and healed Serena. Then stood up and started walking forward. All others looked at each other and then stared directly into Ash's face.

"Ash......" Serena said. She, Misty and Calem were confused, hearing their leader's orders. While Gary and Brock had a look of pure horror on their faces.

"Ash! You can't do this! The city will be destroyed!" Brock said as he and Gary ran towards Ash.

"DO I FUCKING CARE!!!!!" Ash screamed and everyone saw a face they had never seen before. Ash's irises were purple.

The newest members, that were Calem, Serena and Misty, were scared to their cores, seeing their leader like this. Suddenly Gary yelled, "Everyone walk away!" They had to do nothing just to follow their leader's orders. While walking away, both, Brock and Gary, kept their one hand on his shoulder and murmered, "Make sure to restrain your power!" This seemed to calm him a bit as he said, "Don't worry, I will just use it enough to finish him!"

Still confused and scared, Calem and Misty gave support to Serena, stood her up and started to walk away. They were soon joined by Gary and Brock who asked them, "You all scared?" Gary, Brock, Nurse Joy and Ash were like parental figures to them, who always concerned for them. "Huh? Who would be?" Calem tried to boast but then Brock said "No need to hide it. But even if you are not scared, do not look back." But Calem, Serena and Misty took them very lightly and looked back. As soon as they turned back, their eyes widened. They saw Ash with a very large purple ball in a hand and then throw it on the ultra beast. When the ball touched the ultra beast, it didn't explode, instead it devoured the ultra beast and then it became smaller and smaller and smaller and soon there was nothing left. Neither the ball nor the ultra beast.

Ash said "Guardians, victory is ours."

Seeing all this folding before their eyes, they all fell unconscious. Brock and Gary facepalmed and quickly held them.

Brock was on Calem's side and Gary on Misty's so they both supported them but were unable to catch Serena. As she was just going to hit the floor, Ash came below her and saved her from falling but he was not so quick and Serena's lips had fallen onto his and so did their foreheads hit each other. By the crash, Serena's eyes opened and she found herself on Ash with their lips on each other. Ash and Serena were too embarrassed to react to anything but still they both stood up and at the same time bowed "I am sorry." They both looked into each other's eyes and blushed. This was interrupted by Brock, "If you two are done flirting with each other, can we go now?" Both Ash and Serena blushed while Gary snickered. Serena was fine standing but when she tried to move, she had immense pain in her leg and was going to fall again. However, out of an instinct, Ash caught Serena and carried her in her arms, bridal style. Serena blushed hard again.

On the way home, they both were too flustered to say anything and the other two were taking fun seeing their awkwardness

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On the way home, they both were too flustered to say anything and the other two were taking fun seeing their awkwardness.

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