Chapter 12: The Final Decision

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Serena's POV

I woke up in the morning, feeling very tired from my date with Calem last night. I sat up straight on my bed and remembered that today was the day where I will tell Calem and Ash who I want to be with.

So I finally got up, dressed, and walked out of my room. I found everyone outside training. Nurse joy saw me come out and walked up to me. "Good Morning Serena. I see that you overslept."

"I'm sorry Joy. I was just really tired."

"It's ok, Serena. Just make sure you won't do it again. You can grab Brock over there and train with him today." Nurse joy pointed over to Brock, who was hitting a dummy.

I nodded and walked over to Brock. I tapped him on the shoulder to let him know I was there.

"Hey. Joy told me to train with you. Is that ok?" I asked.

"Si amiga." Brock then got into a ready stance. "So, you know yet who you want to be with?"

"Yeah, I just don't know how to break it to them." I swung at his arm, but he blocked it.

"Just tell them! One is gonna be happy with joy and the other is gonna be sad with tears! Don't worry, just do it! I'm tired of hearing them fight and argue. It gets old." Brock turned and got me in the back.

"Ouch! You're right. I'm going to tell them right after our training is over." I said as me and Brock trained till Joy told us that we could stop for the day.

After everyone went into the house, I caught up with Calem and Ash before they went away.

"Hey, meet me in the meeting room in a few minutes." I told them and then ran to my room to think about what I was going to say to them.


When I got into the meeting room, Calem and Ash were already. They looked up at me with curious eyes.

"What is it that you wanted to tell us?" Calem asked.

"Ok, well. I finally decided who I want to choose. When I choose, I want both of you to make up and become friends again. Deal?" I saw them nod in agreement, so I contined. "Ok, so I realized who I wanted when I went on the dates with you two. And so, I choose... Calem?"

Suddenly Calem jumped up out of his seat, making me stop.

"YES! I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU LIKED ME!" Calem yelled out as he ran over me. He put his arm around my shoulder and said "I'm glad you picked me, you know."

I looked over to Ash, who had gotten out of his seat and after giving me a smile, was almost out of the room until I stopped him.

"ASH, WAIT!" I shouted. When he turned around, I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"What?" Ash asked impatiently. I could tell he was hurt. "You want to tell me we should be friends and that I should get over you, right?"

"Ash, listen to me!" I shrugged off Calem's arm from my shoulder. "I didn't choose Calem!"

Both Calem and Ash looked at me surprised. "What?"

"I mean, I did choose Calem. But I chose him to be my friend." I faced Calem, who was in a daze. "Calem, I'm sorry. But what my heart wants is Ash. When we were on our date, I just didn't think it felt like a date. It felt more like us hanging out as friends. But when I was on the date with Ash, it felt like I would've spent my whole life just to be there with him. You know what I'm saying? I hope we'll still be friends because I love having you as a friend. You are very much fun to be around. Please?"

Calem looked down a little and murmured "Yeah...friends..." He then lifted his eyes to me. "But I just want to let you know that I will always have feelings for you. But yeah, we can be friends." Calem suddenly walked out of the room, leaving me standing there.

I heard Ash cough. I faced him, realizing he was standing there also. I noticed that his eyes were fulled with tears.

"Ash? Are you crying?" I walked up closer to him to get a better look.

"No, of course not! I just can't believe that you picked me over him. It feels like a dream."

I smiled up at him. "Well, too bad. It's for real."


"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Why did you pick me?"

I took his hand and held it while I told him. "You have something that Calem doesn't have. I noticed it when we were on our date at the lake. You like to show people how you feel through things that you remember or that reminds you of something. Like when you gave me those flowers that you said reminded you of me. You're also one of the most kindest, sweetest guys I've ever met. I know you keep things to yourself since you haven't always had someone there for you. Well now you do, and that's me."

I felt his fingers touch my cheek as he leaned into me and gave me a kiss that I could remember for the rest of my life. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I contined to enjoy the sweetness of his kiss. When we pulled away, I looked into his wonderful eyes. I was going to say something to him but forgot when he planted another kiss on me. Oh well, I'll remember it later.

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