Chapter 4: There they go

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Nobody's POV

When the Guardians got back home, Ash placed Serena gently on the bed in a room and then Nurse Joy took care of Serena's external injuries. Although, Ash had healed most of Serena's internal injuries, there was still a fracture and some bruises.

On the way home, both Calem and Misty had woken up. Both had different expressions on their faces. Misty was clearly flustered with her being in Gary's arms while Calem..... Well he had both of a jealous and scared expression. One moment being jealous with Serena being in another man's arms and the next moment seeing the 'another man' being Ash, getting scared to even piss in his pants.

"How badly is she hurt?" Calem said, looking up at Nurse joy.

"Is she ok?" Ash said, still looking at Serena.

"Serena is ok but her leg is in bad shape. It will take a few weeks for her to fully recover, so if any ultra beast came up, you all will just have to do without her for those few weeks. I want someone to come and watch over Serena in the night, just in case she has any pains in the night."

"I'll do it!" Ash and Calem both exclaimed at the same time.

"Here we go." Brock whispered, rolling his eyes. "He just needs one person to watch over her!"

"Actually, I think it would be a good idea if there were two people watching her. One could take the first half of the night and the other could take the last half. Ash, you will take the first shift. Calem will take the second. The next week, I'll get someone else to do it."

"NO!" Ash and Calem shouted, giving each other more death glares.

"Yes, you two both will need more sleep, so next week I'll get Misty, Gary, or Brock to do the next shifts. That's final!"

No one decided to argue with Joy and decided to stick with the plan.

All of a sudden, Serena came out of the room, limping on one leg looking around at everyone. "I'm sorry guys. I didn't see the ultra beast coming and got hit. Now this is the second time I've been in here where you guys were around me. I'm really sorry guys."

"We know you are, but it wasn't your fault." Gary pointed out.

"Yeah, you totally didn't see him coming. So it was his fault." Misty said kindly.

"Thanks everyone. You all are the greatest friends. Since ya'll are the greatest friends, would it be too much to ask if one of you could get me some water?"

"I'll get it for you!" Ash and Calem both said, standing up quickly.

"Seriously guys, ya'll need to stop saying stuff at the same time. Its starting to creep me out." Gary said, making Misty laugh.

Ignoring them, Ash and Calem both ran to the kitchen, pushing each other to see who will get there first.

"Get her bottled water!" Gary yelled out through the hallway.

"Why bottled?" Misty asked.

"With water in a cup, they're going to spill it with all that pushing around they're doing. With bottled water, it'll just drop to the ground, no spilling."

"Smart." Misty gave a little smile.

When they both got back, Ash ran into the room with the bottled water and quickly gave it to her.

"Thanks ash." Serena took the water and blushed as she again remembered the kiss. Gary and Brock snickered seeing her blush while Misty was visibly confused but decided to let it rest at that. Maybe it was the weather. You know, the heat nowadays..... but she couldn't take her mind off of it.

Calem suddenly came beside Ash and pointed out "By the way, I was the one who took the water out of the fridge but Ash took it right out of my hands."

Serena didn't pay any attention to what Calem had said. "Hey everyone, I'm feeling really sleepy now so could I get some rest?"

"Of course, Serena." Joy said as she made everyone leave Serena to herself.

Outside in the hallway, Misty caught Ash by the arm. Misty asked in a low voice "Hey, can I talk to you outside?"

"Sure." Ash agreed as they went outside to the back.

Misty's POV

Ok, so I know something's going on between Ash & Serena and Ash & Calem but I'm not sure what it is. I think I have a pretty good idea of what it may be but not sure. So I'm not going to confirm it until I get Ash's response.

When we got outside on the porch, I immediately asked "Do you like Serena?"

I notice Ash hesitate a little. "Umm.. yeah, I do. Like, a lot."

I knew it. It made me feel a little sad inside because I had a little crush on him but it also made me happy also. Now I can have Gary all to myself.

"I thought that you liked her. I was right. But now we have a problem 'cause Calem likes her too."

"Obviously. Otherwise Calem and I wouldn't be having this little feud between us." Ash sat down on the steps, so I sat down next to him.

"Listen, Serena is my best friend. So I don't want either you or Calem to push her into liking ya'll."

"I wasn't going to."

"I know but I was just pointing it out."

"Oh yeah, by the way why was Serena blushing, when you gave her water? Or was it just my imagination?"

Ash too blushed and said "I think it would be better if Serena answered this question."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes until Gary came outside.

"Hey Misty, can you come inside to the kitchen for a minute?"

"Sure. See you later Ash." I said to Ash.

I saw Ash nod as I went into the kitchen with Gary.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked, curiously.

"I didn't say we were going to talk."

All of a sudden, I found Gary in front of my face, kissing me. When he pulled away, I saw that he was smiling like crazy.

"Sorry Misty. I really wanted to do that at the movies but didn't get a chance to."

"No worries. I liked it." I smiled and took his hand. I suddenly forgot about what me and Ash were talking about earlier.

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