Chapter 2 - The Train Ride

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The platform was a buzz with chatter. Most of it, from students talking about the Quidditch World Cup. Not of the Irish victory, or Viktor Krum, the heartthrob seeker of the Bulgarian team.

Which is no doubtedly what the topic of conversation would have been, had the world cup celebrations after the match not been interrupted. But alas they were.

By death eaters. On which sent the dark mark of none other than Voldemort into the sky. Of course, this spread panic across the wizarding community and it wasn't something that would just stop being talked about.

But from the 25th of August to the 1st of September, just six days later, and the reappearance of the mark was still the front page news of the Daily Prophet.

The very front of the newspaper that Hermione was holding as she lent against one of the pillars. She was a couple of pages in, reading down the list of those who were still missing from the attacks, as she waited for absolutely anyone that she knew to appear with.

Luckily she was united with her parents after leaving with the Weasleys and Diggorys. She was picked up from the Burrow, and thankfully no one was hurt.

However, instead of being able to send her off like usual, her parents enlisted that she go to a muggle school, which Hermione completely understood but didn't want to leave Hogwarts.

So the Daily Prophet happily covering her face, Hermione waited for either Harry or Ron or Ginny to appear, so they could board the train.

But instead, she got neither, she was greeted by Cedric Diggory appearing at the top of her paper. Upon spotting him, she jumped out of her skin and folded the paper, sliding it into her bag.

"Sorry." He said before sitting opposite her. She smiled at him before grabbing her copy of the Daily Prophet from her bag and opening it. They sat in a comfortable silence for a short while before Hermione decided to speak up.

"With everything happening during the past few days, it's definitely a great time to surprise someone." Hermione remarked before looking up to see the 7th year Hufflepuff looking at her with confusion on his features but then gave a small chuckle.

"Good point, I won't surprise anyone else in the next few days."  

"Good idea." Hermione replied with a short laugh. After she stopped laughing she looked around. "Are your friends not here either?" She asked, and after Cedric peered around he shrugged.

"Why are you trying to get rid of me?" He asked, a tiny smirk tugging at his lips.

"I only asked if your friends were here not when you're leaving." She said with a smirk tugging at her lips. She put the newspaper over her face so he can't see her grin.

"Touché." He says before looking out the window.

"I never thanked you for saving my life." Hermione doesn't look up from her newspaper.

"What?" He looks at her with a confused expression on his face.

"You saved my life and I never thanked you so thank you." She meets his eyes but then looks back at her paper.

"Anytime. Besides you would've probably done  the same."


The two talk and laugh throughout the rest of the train ride.

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