Chapter 1 - Quidditch world cup

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Something had gone wrong. Somewhere, something someone. It had to have done, for everything to wrong so quickly. Only hours after the Irish had won the Quidditch World Cup, and celebrations had turned deadly.

Hermione had been separated from her parents, as the shouting and screaming forced them out of their tent, only to see the opposite of cheerful celebrations. There were fires and children crying. 

Somehow she hadn't tripped up yet, and she was clutching her wand so tightly that her knuckles had turned a shade of white that she didn't know they could do. She couldn't panic otherwise it wouldn't end well for her.

There were these dark figures, something told Hermione that they wouldn't exactly be happy to meet her - a muggleborn or what some like to call a 'Mudblood'. Hermione's parents were muggles and it felt maybe as if they wouldn't end up too well off if her instincts were right.

Spotting what seemed to be a group of people she recognized - two heads of red hair that could only be the Weasley twins. But then they disappeared out of sight, and Hermione started to worry more, as she tried to hurry to get to the forest, where so many people like herself were heading.

The figures in the dark cloaks seemed to be getting closer to her, as she only managed to duck behind the canvas of a tent as a group of them hurried past her. And there more coming, muggles fighting above their heads.

"Oh god." Hermione couldn't help but groan in horror as she saw the family who had been camping beside floating above a group, and struggling not to trip on the ropes that were pinning the tents to the ground, tears threatening to leak from her eyes.

She didn't know who the people were, but when she had a horrible feeling those muggles weren't going to end up in a good way. Stumbling over her own feet, Hermione was nearing the forest, and was just stepped into a green forest when a flash green light appeared, and she turned around.

"Oh Merlin." She breathed, staring up at the green symbol in the sky. The dark mark. The sign of Voldemort. The people in dark robes. They were death eaters.

But then, she was pulled by someone behind a tree, and shocked, she looked up to see Cedric Diggory. She had never been close to the boy, but as a friend of Harry's and being the brightest witch of her age, she had often shared glances with the 7th year Hufflepuff.

"You saw it too, didn't you?" He asked face grim. Hermione nodded, and peeked out from the tree, only inches away from being lent on Cedric's chest, the boy having pulled her so close to him, and his hand still holding her close.

"There's people there." Hermione whispered, shaking, peering up at the Hufflepuff, who glanced down at her hand, then jerked his head toward the clearing. She nodded, and the pair moved at the same time.

"Stupefy!" They both shouted, neither of them caring too much about underaged magic in the situation. Two of the death eaters dropped down, and the one remaining pointed their wand at them.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Hermione quickly said, and the final one dropped. She let Cedric pull her past them without paying much attention to them. Cedric repeated the spell twice, freezing the two others that had dropped down.

"We need to find my dad, he'll know what to do." He said and then looked down at Hermione. "Are you ok Hermione?"

"I'm fine. A little shocked, maybe panicking just a little. But I'm alive aren't I?" She tried to joke but, couldn't hide the shaking in her her hands or voice.

Cedric smiled, then pulling her along by the arm, he took her hand and led her away from  the three death eaters, being careful to make sure that neither of them tripped over tent ropes or anything.

They found Amos Diggory stood by a tent, Harry, Ron and Mr Weasley stood by them, as well as Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman.

Harry saw them coming, and went to say hello to them, but one of the Ministry people saw him, and turned around, pointing their wand at the pair. The others in the group did the same, and everyone looked.

Hermione and Cedric had their hands raised, still slowly approaching the bed. "That's my son." Amos Diggory said and pulled Cedric into a hug.

"Mr Weasley?" Hermione asked, Cedric being reunited with is father. "I don't suppose you've seen my parents?" she continued her voice gently. "Oh." Hermione watched as Arthur shook his head. "Is Ginny here?" She asked then.

"Yes she's just in that tent with the twins." Arthur pointed, his voice weary. "You can stay with us and if we don't find your parents you can stay with us until tomorrow."

"Thank you." Hermione decided to ignore the wobble in her voice, and she turned to Cedric. Repeating the words to him, trying to mask her fear with the same gentle smile.

Leaving the group behind, discussing whatever they were, Hermione approached the tent, only to hear someone following her, as she turned around to see Cedric.

"Your parents will be fine. I'll see if my dad can ask around - he's quite high up in the Ministry, knows a lot of people." Cedric continued, trying his best to help.

"Thank you, Cedric. Really. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there when I entered the forest." Hermione smiled a little looking up at him.

"And I don't think I could have fought all three of them." Cedric replied to which she giggled slightly.

"Seriously? You could've easily done it." She told him. "Your father is looking for you." Hermione then said, watching as Amos looked around. "I'll see you at Hogwarts Diggory."

"We thought we heard you." Said a voice as Hermione was about to enter the tent. Ginny and the twins had popped their heads out at the entrance, and their eyes travelled from the fellow Hufflepuff to Hermione. "Diggory." They said simultaneously, before grabbing her and pulling her in.

"Thanks again Cedric." Hermione quickly said, before disappearing into the tent, leaving the Diggory boy musing on the idea of a new friend. 

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